Milena Gragic
Milena is 49 with Stage II cervical cancer from Massachusetts and came to see Dr. James Forsythe at the Century Wellness Clinic located in Reno, Nevada. She was first diagnosed in 2012 and came to be treated at The Century Wellness Clinic with integrative cancer therapies in 2013, for a four week period. She was initially given The Forsythe Immune Protocol with Lite Insulin Potentiation Therapy and chemosensitivity testing. She had a follow-up visit in November, 2014 with the same cancer medical treatment plan as before. She was placed on oral chemotherapy at that time. As of 2015, she is in full remission. For more information on The Forsythe Immune Protocol, Lite Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Chemosensitivity Testing, Please visit or Call 775-827-0707. Toll free: 1-877-789-0707.