Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor
Book a consultation with Forsythe Cancer Treatment Center


Vern is a 57 year old who lives in Texas and developed Stage IV head and neck cancer, four years ago. After extensive research on the internet he found Dr. James Forsythe in Reno, Nevada. He came to see Dr. Forsythe at the Century Wellness Clinic, 2011 and underwent chemosensitivity testing at the Century Wellness Clinic. He has had a remarkable remission and has returned to Century Wellness Clinic for numerous booster therapies. As of 2015, he continues to do well throughout the 4 year period since his diagnosis. For more information on The Forsythe Immune Protocol and the Lite Insulin Potentiation Therapy call Century Wellness Clinic at 775-827-0707. Toll free: 1-877-789-0707 www.DrForsythe.

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