Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Breast Thermography

In this video, Janet Greene spends about 27 minutes speaking on "Breast Thermography" at the 32nd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Janet Greene

JANET GREENE, M.D. completed her Internship and Residency Training in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bronx, New York. After this, she stayed in New York and worked for 5 years as an Emergency Department Physician and was also Medical Director of the Diet Center at Queen’s Flushing Hospital.

In 1989, Dr. Greene moved west to Santa Fe, New Mexico, following a calling to explore a simpler lifestyle. Her interest in Alternative Medicine was already deeply ingrained, particularly as a result of her medical studies, spiritual practices and the healing paths of many of her friends and family members.

Dr. Greene opened one of the first private Holistic Medical Practices in Santa Fe in 1991. She combines many of her healing skills to provide diversity of care in the areas of Internal Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbology, Aromatherapy and Diet Counseling. She also offers Thermography—an early screening device for breast cancer—a new technology in which she is highly trained and certified to offer.

Thermography is an adjunctive diagnostic procedure approved by the FDA for purposes of breast cancer screening. It is, simply, a highly specialized infrared camera, which can read the heat coming from the surface of the skin, which may be associated with breast cancer. The computer analysis of these heat patterns can lead to a clinical impression, which indicates the presence of breast abnormality, often 5-10 years before a mammogram can currently see a mass. Thermograms are non-invasive and have no radiation or breast compression.

Dr. Greene may be reached for Private Consultations by phone 505-982-1910 and e-mail [email protected].


Thank you. I feel very privileged to be here. And thank you. And I am an internal medicine specialist in Santa Fe. I've been in practice for 15 years there. And I'm a certified homeopath. And I also use aroma therapy and herbs, etc. and got interested in breast thermography a couple of years ago. And it's become quite a passion for me now. So I'd like to share this with you and hopefully we'll have time for questions. And if not, I'll be around. So let's get started. First of all, what is the mammography? This is an infrared computerized digital imaging through a digital camera that works by heat. And vascular patterns. That's what we see on thermographic images. It's done in two scales what color scale and a gray scale we call a gray scale. And what it is, it's like opposite of a an x ray where you have black and it shows white if it's abnormal. This shows a lighter gray with a darker pattern. If it's abnormal, this is an image. This is an example of what a gray scale image looks like. And if you look at the breasts, you can see that the you can see the blue on the left and the right breast. And that's what we're looking for. And hopefully your breasts will look like that when you get your thermographic. Well, how do we apply them? Thermography. First of all, with the breast, we can look for heat from cancers or abnormal growths. We can see fibrocystic disease that actually shows. Cool. We can't see organs. We never see organs. So it isn't a an anatomical tool. It's a physiologic tool that shows the heat and vascularity. We can see if there's been trauma to the breast tissue. It will show up as heat patterns. We can see infection and we can see a hormonal imbalance. And I will show you examples of this later on. Applications for thermography are quite vast, and we can also use it for musculoskeletal skeletal disorders. For instance, somebody gets in a car accident.

They have a whiplash injury. They've been to 10 doctors and radiologists and MRI eyes, etc. Nothing shows up and they still have pain. Well, we can see the areas of heat on thermography, and it's a really, really good tool to use if you're ever in that situation. Oreste is reflex sympathetic dystrophy. That shows that there's been nerve damage. We can see that the limbs below the level of damage are actually cool because of damage. It can also show arthritis by showing patterns of heat in the areas that are affected. Thyroid. I do interpretation


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