Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Cancer Legislation, Medical Freedom Bills

In this video, Frank Cuny spends about 12 minutes speaking on "Cancer Legislation, Medical Freedom Bills" at the 32nd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here. Nice crowd. Many of you have seen the conventions just recently and both are focused on a war, but I didn't hear either one of the conventions really focus on another war.

And terrorism. And that war is a war dealing with freedom.

The internal war that's going on in the United States, in California and across the world on the right of citizens to have free choice. They're not talking about that. Do you believe there's a war going on?

Who who is managing that war against the citizens?

The pharmaceutical industry. Yes, big business. International marketing businesses for every congressman in Washington, D.C..

There are four lobbyists from the pharmaceutical industry.

We are losing our freedom slowly, gradually, steadily across the process. In fact, there is a bill that's going on at the moment that says every one of you and every child in the United States are going to be required to be tested to see whether you have a mental health disorder.

And of course, everyone here, because they believe in alternative treatments, has a mental health disorder automatically.

But there is an opposition to that war.

Sometimes open opposition, sometimes just underground opposition. And hopefully you're going to be part of that opposition, how many people here feel that they should be part of the opposition to the loss of freedom in this country on health choices?

Well, if you want to do that, you need to become an activist, you become an activist by letter writing, you become an activist by carrying petitions, you become an activist by representative organizations.

You take the personal initiative and one person can make a difference. Each one of you can make a difference in your community, in your state, in your nation.

During the Revolutionary War, less than one third.

Of the individuals at that time believe that we should be free of England. Most of the people just stayed home. Only a few people grabbed weapons and come to fight. The same thing applies right now in this war.

How many people in this room in the last month when the Keith Cloete key times are writing letters, wrote letters to their congressmen or their state senators, stand up.

A half a dozen activists.

Good. In reality, it should have been all of you.

Maybe you didn't know of the issues. But in reality, if we're going to win this war, it can't be a half a dozen. How many people in this room made a contribution of more than twenty five dollars to the health medical freedom movement this past month?

One. One person.

You know, they


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