Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Cancer Legislation, Medical Freedom Issues

In this video, Frank Cuny spends about 13 minutes speaking on "Cancer Legislation, Medical Freedom Issues" at the 36th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Thank you, Mr. Gross, now.

Good afternoon, everyone.

And I plan to spend about two or three minutes telling you why I have such a high regard for Frank Cooney earning speaker. I've been practicing medicine in California for over 50 years until I quit about five years ago. And of that 50 years, the last 30 years, I spent doing something called alternative medicine. Now, alternative medicine is some of the kinds of medicine that you've heard at conventions like this and others. In the. My definition of alternative medicine from a doctor standpoint is alternative medicine is what you will do when what you're not doing doesn't work. However, the medical board doesn't share my view of that. They get a little upset if they don't quite understand exactly what you're doing and aren't really interested enough to find out. So what they do is they'll go ahead and prosecute doctors for doing something that they don't understand and don't want to learn about.

In fact, in the last 50 years, there's probably been a lot of doctors that have been forced out of medicine because of the aggressive attitude of the medical board. And many of them, of course, lost their licenses. Many of them just decided to leave California and in fact, leave even the country or things like that established or practice somewhere else. Others, like myself, decided just to retire or quit. Now, over the course of the past 10 years, Mr. Frank Cooney has developed a group of volunteers into a group called the California Citizens for Health Freedom. It is a group led by Frank that's been able to work with the medical board, the new medical board. And with the legislators, meeting with the legislators, meeting with the medical board, attending their meetings, discussing the advantages of alternative medicines to them and working with them to get these problems solved.

And so.

There's more to this, of course, than that, and there's still more that has to be done. There's one more thing that I like to mention, though, and that is Frank's been doing a lot of this on his own time and on his own dime, and he, too, needs a little bit more help. And so if when you're walking past the California Citizens for Health Freedom table out there, you decide to give me a hand, stop by and let him know how you can help. And with that as an introduction. I'd like to have Frank Cooney tell us the rest of the story.

My hat, Lorraine said I had to wear it here so people would know who I am and what I'm doing. I


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