Cancer Profile, Blood Marker Test
In this video, Emil Schandl spends about 28 minutes speaking on "Cancer Profile, Blood Marker Test" at the 31st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Emil Schandl
EMIL SCHANDL, Ph.D. received a B.A. Degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Analytical Biology), M.S. from a San Diego State University, San Diego, California (Biochemistry and Enzymology) and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Molecular Genetics). He pursued training in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at a Humana Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
He is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the specialties of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Serology and Immunohematology in the states of Florida, New York, California and a number of others.
Dr. Schandl is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, registered by the National Registry in Clinical Chemistry and past Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Toxicology Department. He has been a Professional Staff member of two acute care hospitals in Hollywood, Florida. Dr. Schandl has published numerous articles in scientific refereed journals and has written news articles on cancer, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, anti-fluoridation of drinking water, etc.
Emil served on Florida Senator, Hon. Mack’s U.S. Senatorial Cancer Advisory Committee for 10 years to advise on national cancer policies.
Since 1977, Dr. Schandl has been the Director of the Center for Metabolic Disorders, CA Laboratory and currently American Metabolic Laboratories, Metabolic Research, Inc. and Immuno Laboratories. He is the inventor/designer of the blood tests Cancer Profile©, (CA Profile©) for early detection and follow-up of malignancies and also of the Longevity Profile©, an expansion of the Cancer Profile. These blood test panels can foretell cancer, heart disease, bone loss and lack of longevity factors, years before a diagnosis can be made by any other methods.
Presently Dr. Schandl is working on the development of cancer specific antibodies and the applicability of stem cells in various diseased conditions.
He can be reached at the American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida by phone 954-929-4814 and e-mail [email protected]
I appreciate being here. You just because that. There you go. OK. You're here.
Which makes it for you. OK.
My name is Dr. Shindell. I am from Florida. I represent American Metabolic Laboratories and Metabolic Research Inc.
This is in Hollywood, Florida.
You got to get acquainted with this. There you go. George, move out.
They still go. OK, this doesn't work like that. OK. OK.
Metabolic Research Inc is a not-for-profit corporation.
And it is doing research in cancer detection and also for diagnostics and also for resolving the problems.
Cancer therapies are my credentials.
American metabolic collaborators is offering the cancer profile or see a profile as an adjunct for early diagnosis of malignancies, possibly years before a diagnosis could be made by any conventional techniques. The tests are also excellent to monitor patients.
It's already established malignancies. The laboratory is inundated with inquiries, especially since CBS News presents my work. Nationwide, the profile is not site or organ-specific.
However, it will detect metabolic changes leading to or indicating cancer ACG hormone, VHI Enzyme, GTP, enzyme SEEI, DSH and DHEA sulfate a component. The actual super sensitive cancer markers are the ACG test actually be doing tune out of those the VHI enzyme test and the course embryonic antigen, which everyone knows. The other three analyzes are peripherally related to malignancies digital. DEPI will monitor the liver and biliary system DSH will measure low or high thyroid activity. DHEA is the adrenal and thigh stress pro immunity longevity hormone. A low thyroid end or low adrenal activity will predispose an individual to cancer.
And as it will see and if you don't know, most people have a low DHEA level. The older we get, the less the H-E we will be making and the more likely will develop cancer.
The CIA profile was positive in 92 percent of established breast cancer patients, 97 percent of lung cancer patients and 93 percent of colon cancer patients says this. Statistics done 500 on five hundred seventy one patients with cancer of all sites result in eighty nine point eight percent positives. 40 percent of the individuals without cancer diagnosis signs or symptoms gave elevated markers. This some people will call the false positives. These, however, may be the ones who are in the process of developing the disease, particularly so because courant's that this takes indicate, incidentally, that 40 percent of our population is or will develop cancer in our lifetimes.
The laboratory is also offering other to my markers.
The PSA you may have heard before, and you will again by the book Prostate Specific Antigen, a fifteen three test for breast cancer, see ninety nine for