Cancer Profile, Longevity Profile Tests, Early Detection, Monitoring
In this video, Emil Schandl spends about 28 minutes speaking on "Cancer Profile, Longevity Profile Tests, Early Detection, Monitoring" at the 36th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Emil Schandl
EMIL SCHANDL, Ph.D. received a B.A. Degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Analytical Biology), M.S. from a San Diego State University, San Diego, California (Biochemistry and Enzymology) and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Molecular Genetics). He pursued training in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at a Humana Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
He is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the specialties of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Serology and Immunohematology in the states of Florida, New York, California and a number of others.
Dr. Schandl is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, registered by the National Registry in Clinical Chemistry and past Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Toxicology Department. He has been a Professional Staff member of two acute care hospitals in Hollywood, Florida. Dr. Schandl has published numerous articles in scientific refereed journals and has written news articles on cancer, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, anti-fluoridation of drinking water, etc.
Emil served on Florida Senator, Hon. Mack’s U.S. Senatorial Cancer Advisory Committee for 10 years to advise on national cancer policies.
Since 1977, Dr. Schandl has been the Director of the Center for Metabolic Disorders, CA Laboratory and currently American Metabolic Laboratories, Metabolic Research, Inc. and Immuno Laboratories. He is the inventor/designer of the blood tests Cancer Profile©, (CA Profile©) for early detection and follow-up of malignancies and also of the Longevity Profile©, an expansion of the Cancer Profile. These blood test panels can foretell cancer, heart disease, bone loss and lack of longevity factors, years before a diagnosis can be made by any other methods.
Presently Dr. Schandl is working on the development of cancer specific antibodies and the applicability of stem cells in various diseased conditions.
He can be reached at the American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida by phone 954-929-4814 and e-mail [email protected]
Good morning, everybody. This is God, as you see, so don't worry about anything. Everything is always in divine order. If you can't go to sleep with that, you will have peace. No matter what's going on. Everything always is in divine order. At least that is how it is in my life. I thought I caught that one Corinthians. Read it quickly. What it basically means is that there's hard work ahead of us to maintain our health or to regain it. It's not an easy thing, as those of you who are battling cancer or other degenerative diseases, you know that this is not an easy task to do. You need to have your total spiritual, mental and physical commitment.
You heard the talks about cancer all day long today and yesterday. And that will go on and people trying to define as to what cancer really is.
And also, what may be the causative agents? Well, cancer is an uncontrolled and sort of uncontrollable cell division. Cells are dividing and control in an uncontrollable fashion. Cancer cells are immortal. They they don't have the ability to die. In other words, they cannot go into Aptos, which is natural cell death. So just keep dividing and building up on you until you have a tumor.
The question is now, what causes cancer? There are several agents that we know they cause cancer. For instance, we know viruses cause cancer, even though a few years ago everybody was rebelling against the idea. I find in our lab at Dorita, just about every person with cancer will test positive for one or another virus particularly.
Particularly, I'm talking about the herpes virus called EBV or Epstein Barr virus. It's present in just about all cancers. Some people are talking about bacteria. That bacteria will cause cancer. Somebody talk about the fungus, that they cause cancer. We know that radiation causes cancer. We also know that some certain chemicals and a whole lot of them cause cancer. We also know that cancer therapy causes cancer, whether it's chemical or radiation. My theory is an idea. And I think it works that anything that will cause cellular anaerobic condition will cause cancer because cancer is an anaerobic process. And I always tell my patients more oxygen is less cancer, less oxygen is more cancer. So you may get an idea when you're receiving therapies and on your own that you want to have more oxygen. And I will show you in a cancer profile that I have designed how this really works in reality and a biochemical way before I go ahead. I would like to. Define a couple things. One is.