Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Cancer Reversal

In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Cancer Reversal" at the 43rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Lorraine Day

LORRAINE DAY, M.D. received her Medical Degree from the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine in 1969. She continued at the same University for the post graduate training in Orthopedic Surgery and became an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon, operating on the victims of gunshot wounds, stabbings and other massive injuries.

For 15 years she was on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. She is the author or co-author of numerous medical journal articles as well as many chapters in medical textbooks.

She has impressive credentials and vast experience in the public media and has been invited to lecture extensively throughout the U.S. and the world. She has appeared on 400 radio and television shows including 60 Minutes, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live and The Art Bell Radio Show, and has hosted her own nationally syndicated radio program entitled Truth Serum. She is the author of the best-selling book AIDS: What The Government Isn’t Telling You, and is recognized worldwide as an AIDS expert.

Dr. Day developed severe advanced cancer, biopsy proven at 2 major U.S. medical centers. But she refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery, all the methods she was taught during her medical training, because of their destructive side effects. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple, inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body could heal itself. She is now totally well and cancer-free, and it’s been 24 years since her tumor first appeared. Information on how she got well is available on her website at and by calling 1-800-574-2437.

Her latest new books are called What Does it take to Get Well? and I will Give you Back your Health again.


As you heard in the introduction, I am a medical doctor. My credentials are many. I was on the faculty of UC San Francisco for 15 years as associate professor and vice chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, and I was chief of orthopedic surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. But after having said that, I just want to let you know that the main thing I learned in Orthodox medicine is we don't ever get anybody well. We don't ever get anybody well, fortunately, I'm an orthopedic trauma surgeon, so if you run over by a bus or you've been shot, stabbed, I you need a carpenter like me to put you back together again. But other than that, we doctors are only taught two methods of treatment. We're taught to give you drugs. Drugs never cure your disease. Drugs never address the underlying cause of the disease. The drugs only address the symptoms. And they all have dozens, even over a hundred side effects which give you other diseases and never cure the one you've got. Or we're taught to cut off your body parts or cut out your organs. None of those cure cancer or any other disease. As I said, drugs never cure disease. And certainly cutting off your body parts or cutting out your organs don't. But neither of those cure diseases because no disease has ever been caused by having a having too many body parts or too many organs. I develop breast cancer. I did not develop breast cancer because I had too many breasts. Angelina Jolie hasn't learned that fact yet. And apparently she had both of hers cut off, which is not smart.

I knew that I needed to learn how to get well and I knew that we doctors don't know how to get any cancer patient. Well, doctors develop cancer and every other disease at the same rate as a general population.

Doctors die of cancer and every other disease at the same rate as the general population. So if doctors cannot prevent or reverse their disease, how can they do it in? You know, no possibility of that. Now, I'll show you.

In 1993, I had a small lump removed on my on my chest. It was very tiny and it bothered me when I put my seat belt on. I had it done under local by a plastic surgeon friend of mine. But when they looked at the biopsy, they found out that I actually had cancer all through my chest wall. The. I changed my diet to the right diet. Totally vegan diet.

But in about nine months, the tumor returned in the same spot.


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