Coffee, Cancer, Nutrition
In this video, Bradford Weeks spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Coffee, Cancer, Nutrition" at the 44th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Bradford Weeks
BRADFORD WEEKS, M.D. worked for two years doing research at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Mineral Metabolism Unit working on Osteoporosis (calcium, magnesium with Robert Neer, M.D.) and vitamin D metabolism (with Michael Holick, M.D.).
In addition, he studied various nutritional strategies: Macrobiotics (with Mishio Kushi, raw foods, fasting), Acupuncture, Massage (shiatsu), Music Therapy (trained in the Tomatis method), Anthroposophical Medicine (with Otto Wolff, M.D.) and Classical Homeopathy. Medical school at the University of Vermont in Burlington was followed by Medical Internship (1 year) and Psychiatric Residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (3 years). He became a specialist in Psychiatry (focusing on Neuro-Psychiatry and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology).
A beekeeper before he became a physician, Dr. Weeks has utilized Venomology (apitherapy in particular) since founding the American Apitherapy Society (AAS) in 1985 and editing its Journal for the first 6 years of its publication. Fortunate to have developed a close mentoring relationship with the father of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Weeks has developed these principles over the past 20 years in his Psychiatric and Medical Practice.
Invited to work with the world-famous Jonathan Wright, M.D. at the Tahoma Clinic right out of residency, Dr. Weeks subsequently broadened his practice to include Nutritional Therapies, including myriad IV treatments (ACAM accredited in Chelation Therapy 1994), Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) (trained 2002 and Clinical Instructor 2009), while developing the field of “Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry.”
At this point he serves both as a general practitioner and as a specialist and focuses on not fighting illness but rather on correcting imbalances on the mental, emotional, vital and physical levels. When necessary, he has utilized low-dose, targeted chemotherapy methodology referred to as Insulin Potentiation Therapy as part of Corrective Cancer Care. Dr. Weeks strives to empower patients to create peace within by changing their physiology through diet, orthomolecular replenishment, managing their mental state and getting a good nights’ sleep.
His current focus is sharing the principles of Corrective Cancer Care with interested Oncologists addressing the importance of not just killing cancer cells but also nourishing the patient and his/her immune system so that the cancer STEM cells which cause most of the trouble can be reintegrated into a healthy body.
Dr. Weeks may be contacted by telephone at 360-341-2303, e-mail [email protected] and website
All right. Thank you, Frank. Thank you. Thank you, alasia.
Well, I guess you are.
You heard the good news that I'm really not the speaker today. There's some there's some good news and some bad news. First of all, I should explain that even I'm standing here and I may look fairly normal. I'm suffering from a world class case of shingles and any of you folks that have had that or heard about it. It's no fun. So I didn't think I'd be here at all today. In fact, I tō told Lorraine a couple of weeks ago, I said, you better get somebody up to take my space because I'm not going to be able to come in. If I came, I wouldn't be able to give a speech. So she wisely did that. But here I am. And I have to tell you, the reason I'm here is your next speaker. And and because he'll be talking, I presume, about why that is so. But he introduced me to a therapy that has actually helped me to the point where I can come here and stumble along so that I have some good news and some bad news. The good news ad is that I am not going to be delivering a boring 30 minute presentation. The bad news is I've just deliberate a boring two minute presentation. And with that, I'll just say something about cancer. I had been a strong at advocate of the alternative approach to cancer ever since I was introduced to the topic way back in nineteen seventy three. I was first introduced to it and I finished my book World Without Cancer in 1974. And if anybody here wants to know what I think about that, why then the book is available and we got some videos. I say go, go check it out. But the message that I had to deliver is that cancer is not to be feared. Cancer is. And everybody has cancer. As I see it, it's a cancer is merely a breakdown in the normal healing process. And if you heal, you have that process working. It's when you're. You have certain things wrong. You're not getting the right nutrition or you're subject to certain toxic environments that your body is unable to heal correctly. Then you go into what I would call an over healing mode, and that's what we call cancer. So you don't have to dread cancer. Would you have to dread is what happens to your body when it loses its ability to heal? So that's my message. And if you want to know more about that now, you can you