Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Colon Cancer

In this video, Victoria Bowmann spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Colon Cancer" at the 40th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Victoria Bowmann

VICTORIA BOWMANN, Ph.D. received her Degree in Homeopathy and Natural Medicine from Westbrook University, Wierton, West Virginia in 1999. She had previously earned a Doctorate in Homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy, London, England in 1995 and her B.S. from Arizona State University, Tempe in 1972. Personally dealing with allergies and arthritic tendencies led her to the Association for Research and Enlightenment (Edgar Cayce) in Phoenix, Arizona, where she completed training in Massage Therapy and Colon Hydrotherapy, attaining her license in 1978. Presently, she is the Vice Chairman of the Arizona Massage Therapy Board and Delegate to the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards. In 1991, she pioneered the study of Probiotics as a rectal application, fully developing her holistic methodology by 1994. She has presented this information to physicians and other health care professionals in conferences and workshops to Europe and across the United States. Victoria has published her work in numerous journals and magazines. The majority of these have been in "Explore! for the Professional." However, she has also contributed to "Naturopathic Doctor News and Review" and "Public Health Alert." She authored her first book You Gotta Have GUTS: The Natural Approach to GI Health in 2009 and received the IRWIN Award from the Book Publicists of Southern California. Jule Klotter in the October 2011 "Townsend Letter" very favorably reviewed this book. Victoria's goal is to educate others in good digestion and elimination so they have a base of knowledge with which to make proactive health decisions and have a practical game plan to implement Therapies. Dr. Bowmann may be contactetd at her Private Practice Clinic located in Phoenix, Arizona by phone 602-971-8392, e-mail [email protected] and website


Thank you so much. I can only imagine what goes through a person's head and their heart when they sit opposite their physician and he or she says, I'm sorry to tell you, you have a diagnosis of cancer. And I can then go to that moment when they come into my office. And I'm able to talk to them and share the research and the work that I've done for over three decades and see the hope brighten in their eyes. So let's reduce our risk of colon cancer.

Probiotics time for a dose of realism, one of the difficulties that we have is that there's just a tremendous amount of money that is put into grants and research for pharmaceuticals. And there is very little research money that goes into the nutraceutical industry. So in most of these slides, what you're going to see is more research needs to be done. And that's OK because we're on a journey. I have been working with probiotics since nineteen ninety one earlier than that in the late or mid to late 80s. I saw a research and what it said was three to five percent of probiotics actually get through the gastric juices of the stomach. You see, hydrochloric acid in pepsin have two jobs. The first job is the digestion of protein and fat. But the second job is a main line of defense against bacterial invasion. It doesn't care if it's E. coli or lactobacillus. It is the low P h that destroys bacteria in the stomach. So we need to look at our application of probiotics. So a time for a dose of realism, but progress in the scientific and medical validation of these products has been extremely slow. Probiotics may be developed that have medical validity with respect to the prevention or treatment of a topic and inflammatory bowel disease. I'm going to be going through quite a few abstracts. And in doing this, I want to show you the vastness of the benefits of probiotics and then we'll get to colon and colorectal cancer. Prebiotics assessment of efficacy. Now we call them microbiota. That is the contents of your guts and that's important that it be viable and you'd be healthy. So an optimal gut microflora establishes an efficient barrier to the invasion and colonization of the gut by pathogenic bacteria. It produces a range of Métis bollix substrates, which in turn are utilized by the host. Now that's vitamins like B twelve and vitamin K, as well as short chain fatty acids and stimulates the immune system in a non inflammatory manner to improve gut health. Recent molecular based investigations have confirmed the species


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