Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Digestive Wellness, Cancer

In this video, Elizabeth Lipski spends about 30 minutes speaking on "Digestive Wellness, Cancer" at the 30th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Elizabeth Lipski

ELIZABETH LIPSKI, Ph.D., C.C.N. received her Doctorate Degree in Clinical Nutrition and Complimentary Medicine in 2001 from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1991, she became board certified by the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board in Dallas, Texas. She received her Masters Degree in Nutrition from Donsbach University in Huntington Beach, California in 1979. Dr. Lipski has been interviewed for magazines such as Newsweek, Women’s World, Natural Pharmacist and others. She has been a frequent guest on national radio shows.

Dr. Lipski is a board certified Clinical Nutritionist who has worked in the field of Nutrition and Holistic Health since 1979. She is the author of 2 books: Digestive Wellness and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Faulty digestion is directly responsible for a number of illnesses and is indirectly responsible for a vast array of seemingly unrelated illnesses including arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, migraines, psoriasis, attention deficit disorder and more.

In this work, Dr. Lipski takes us on a guided tour of the digestive system, discusses Detoxification, Nutrition and Natural Therapies, including hundreds of self-care options for over 30 common conditions. Most importantly, she explains how healthy eating and living can also help us achieve physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dr. Lipski is currently in Private Practice on the island of Kauai, Hawaii and provides telephone and on-site consultations.

She may be contacted by phone 808-828-6402, webiste and e-mail [email protected].


Hello. Good morning. Can you hear me?

I got told to speak loudly, am I sitting here yesterday all day, it was really reminded of that old story about the blind men and the elephant. And one man, one blind man told the tail and felt it was like a snake and one man felt the walk the side of the elephant and felt like the elephant was like a wall. And another felt the leg and felt like the leg was the elephant was like a tree.

And what I know is that each of the speakers, including me, all feel like we have something really special to tell you. And it's really your job to take all of our blindness because we're all passionate about one area and try to synthesize that an integrated today. What I'm going to try to do in a very brief amount of time, I could spend probably all day talking with you about digestion and about how digestion works and when it's faulty, what to do. But I'm I was really asked to specifically focus on digestion and cancer. So that's what I'm going to do. What I was what I wanted to tell you is I'm a nutritionist. So you'll get this nutritional bias and everything that I say, because that's my blindness. That's my passion. That's where I look at the world from, is from a nutritional viewpoint. What I want to tell you is that most cancer is based on lifestyle, not genetics, its diet, its nutrition, its the way we think. It's our attitudes, it's our belief systems.

It's our connection to self, our connection to God that really determines a lot about cancers.

So there was this great big twin study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Forty thousand twins from Scandinavia. They looked at the cancer of the lung, breast and colorectal. And they came up with that less than 15 percent probability that a twin would develop the same type of cancer that their identical twin developed.

So when we look at that and then a different study looked and said, well, breast cancer looked like maybe twenty seven percent genetic colorectal maybe thirty five percent, prostate, maybe 42 percent.

So when we look at it, we're hearing more and more and more about genetics and the role of genetics in health and disease these days. And so we're hearing about fat genes and breast cancer genes and and all kinds of genes. But what I want to tell you is that when we're looking at genetics, what we really have to know is that we're born with a certain disposition to a


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