Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor


In this video, Garry Gordon spends about 29 minutes speaking on "Electromagnetism" at the 39th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Garry Gordon

GARRY GORDON, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H) received his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1958 from the Chicago College of Osteopathy in Illinois, his honorary M.D. Degree from the University of California, Irvine in 1962 and completed his Radiology Residency from Mt. Zion in San Francisco, California in 1964.

Dr. Gordon is on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners for Arizona and is Co-Founder of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). He is Founder/President of the International College of Advanced Longevity (ICALM) and Board Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine.

Garry is the author of 4 books: The Chelation Answer (with Morton Walker, D.P.M.); The Omega 3 Miracle—The Icelandic Longevity Secret; The Promise of Puresterol (with Robert Horn) and the latest, Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting Yourself from Lead, Mercury & Other Environmental Toxins (with David Jay Brown).

Recognized as the “Father of Chelation Therapy,” Dr. Gordon is an expert on Nutrition, Mineral Metabolism and Longevity. He serves as full-time Consultant for Longevity Plus, LLC, a nutritional supplement company based in Payson, Arizona, where he is responsible for designing effective, natural, non-toxic alternative supplements for the treatment of every disease known to man.

Dr. Gordon may be contacted through the Gordon Research Institute by phone 928-472-4263, website and e-mail [email protected].


Good morning, everyone. You're at the right place. I have been at over 30 of these conferences and. I have been at over 30 of these conferences, and you're at the right place. Because I have learned enough that my health problems at age 76 are solved. I want to help you solve your health problems. I cannot believe that it's possible at age 76 to feel as good as I do because my personal health history is for the first 30 years of my life. I couldn't go up a flight of steps without going into heart failure. And my back pain for 20 years was bad enough that I had to have a hook in order to get up and down off the toilet. So I've rebuilt my body and you can do it, too. And we'll try to help you learn how. What I'm going to show for a moment is that water can be pretty important. It's 80 percent of our body. So now if I simply put a tablet that will turn bubbles of hydrogen, that will start in the area of becoming a powerful antioxidant. And we now have proof that the latest meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. That antioxidants clearly. Recreate, decrease the incidence of recurrence of cancer in breast cancer patients by a minimum of 27 percent. And that's using outdated antioxidants because wait until you learn what we can do today. So what I'm going did have you understand? Is that a very bright guy by name of Gregg Braden has tied some interesting thoughts together because you all know we're going through Earth changes. We all feel it. We know it. But those earth changes involve a marked decrease in the magnetic energy of the planet.

And every time that happens, these changes in magnetic energy mean that we can't hold the ozone layer in place. And so the net result is the earth warms. And so we've been through these cycles before. That's why this gentleman wrote the book to say fractal times, everything tends to recur again. So 5000 years ago, they had the collapse of the Egyptian dynasty. But you had the same changes. You had wars. You had violent behavior of human beings. You had rising of the ocean.

You had all this volcanic. And so it's interesting that these things happen. So the magnetic field is something that most of you don't appreciate it in the center of our earth is something almost the size of a moon and it's molten iron and iron when it is moving generates electric currents and electric currents and where we get the magnetic energy. But

Magnetic Therapy

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