Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Gerson, Coley, Dendritic Cells

In this video, Gar Hildenbrand spends about 33 minutes speaking on "Gerson, Coley, Dendritic Cells" at the 38th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Good morning.

I had I have in mind something a little bit different from customary presentations. I want to give you a little bit of an update on some inside workings in our nation's National Institutes of Health. The outfit that was chartered by Congress to tend to the health of every man, woman and child in the country. As you know, the NIH can be a political football. Some good guys. Bipartisan team of Arlen Specter and Tom Harkin in the Senate.

Started an initiative called the Office of Alternative Medicine that was put up in the in the crown of the NIH, the office of the director, as a coordinating office. And the idea there was simply and I think I can safely say it now. I couldn't say it very much in public, then the idea was to empower the competition to a monopoly.

By making it seem okay that there are alternatives and the first thing that the office did was spent more than a million on an ad campaign that was done by a Madison Avenue outfit quietly so that stories just started appearing. You didn't have one like a political ad campaign you didn't have. You know, I'm Stan Basinski and I endorse this ad out there.

You had instead a lot of articles about how cool alternative medicine was and about how docs were getting aware, aware of it and hip to it. And and before long, a NASCH nationwide transformation took place that has resulted in a lot less pressure, a lot less pressure on people using openly and blatantly using alternative and complementary medicine in their practices throughout the country and less heat on chiropractors, less heat on acupuncturist. In fact, did you were you aware that acupuncture is being used? I'm sorry to say, on the battlefield in Afghanistan, but it is. As far as pain management out on the field. Who would have thought that that was going to be possible? 18 years ago when we started? The Office of Alternative Medicine. I still am proud to be considered a heart. Good night. That's what they called Ralph Moss and Congressman Burke Bedel. Frank, we will and myself, we were chosen to bird dog the process. And keep NIH honest, which was hard, because as soon as we got there, we discovered that when they read the authorizing language for the Office of Alternative Medicine, people at NIH formed not everyone, but a very large number formed a contingent that was in rabid deny. And we had to do a lot of work arounds. But it is stable now. In fact, some of the news is about what's happening

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