Glutathione, Cancer Control
In this video, Tim Guilford spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Glutathione, Cancer Control" at the 40th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Tim Guilford
TIM GUILFORD, M.D. received his Medical Degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. He trained in surgery for 2 years at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland and completed his training at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is Board Certified in Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery. In Clinical Practice since 1981, Dr. Guilford was also Director of Biological Information System Clinical Laboratory specializing in Allergy and Immunology testing until 1993. His areas of medical interest include the treatment of allergies and chronic illnesses. He uses Homeopathy and nutrient support for chronic illnesses. Over the last 10 years Dr. Guilford has focused on the role of toxic metals in chronic illness, and this has lead him to become an expert in the role that glutathione plays in chronic illnesses. Glutathione decreases with age and chronic illnesses, and plays a key role in several systems that are critical for the maintenance of health. Low glutathione levels are associated with chronic inflammation, which prevents efficient immune function, and diminishes the ability to remove toxins. Recent research shows that glutathione is deficient in children with autism, as well as in cystic fibrosis and adults with Parkinson's disease. Toxins such as metals can disrupt a cycle critical to the production of glutathione. While there are reports of benefit with intravenous glutathione, until now there has not been a good way to get glutathione into the system orally. Dr. Guilford's interest in glutathione has lead to the formation of a liposomal glutathione product called ReadiSorb™ Glutathione. More information is available at Dr. Guilford can be contacted for consulations through his office in Los Altos, California by phone 650-323.3238.
Thank you very much. I appreciate the kind introduction.
You might take a moment and write down the contact information, I'll put it up here at the end, but I'm going to take you through some biochemistry. I apologize in a way for doing this, although biochemistry, I think, really can be fun. And but I could not figure out a way to give this talk without bringing you through the pathway. So you understand it. I was here and gave a talk in 2005. Since then, there's a lot of research that has evolved in regard to liposomal good thighbone. Here are four papers. You don't need to write these down or anything down because it will be available later. And you can find a lot of this information, including these publications at a Web site set up to make it easy, easy to remember. Dr. Gilford, dot com and go to either references for these previous studies that I put up here or publications for a series of articles that I have written in the last several years that cover areas including glue to eye on atherosclerosis, immune function and mycotoxins. I think we're gonna be hearing more about mycotoxins in the near future. We have some clinical research coming that I think will be very interesting. If you're interested in the basics on Bluetooth, I on the talk I gave in 2005 was very basic on the function of production of Bluetooth Ioane and we have more information at Liposomal Glutathione on dot com. So I'm going to focus today on the production of Glew with Ion. And there's basically two ways that we resource school to tie on in ourselves. The made de novo meaning new glue. I own through this pathway with glutamine and cysteine being combined by an Ligeti's enzyme. Then glycine is added the synthesized Bluetooth ion synthesis enzyme to produce Ruth reduced glued with ion and then this can be used for reducing free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide. And then it in turn is restored back to the active form, the reduced form from GSF G by a series of enzymes. So the two forms are the production and the recycling in both of these are very important to maintaining an adequate on in ourselves when it's low. You may want to supplement glue to tie on and you can do this a number of ways. One of the most popular ways is using an acetylcysteine in AC. It turns out that needs to be generated inside. The cells are recombined. As I showed you, playing glue with iron is not very well absorbed, been equal to thigh on has been