Good Samaritan Hospital
In this video, Ricardo James spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Good Samaritan Hospital" at the 40th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Ricardo James
RICARDO JAMES, M.D. graduated in 1981 from one of the most prestigious Medical Schools in Mexico, the University Autonoma in Guadalajara, which also receives students from the USA & many other countries.
Dr. James spent a couple of years in the conventional field but even then he was interested in the more natural ways of treating patients without drugs and using nutritional methods to heal.
In 1983 Dr. James started working at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. The Clinic was founded by the late Harold Manner, Ph.D., who was a pioneer in Metabolic Therapy. This provided Dr. James with a wide experience in treating cancer and arthritis, as well as multiple sclerosis. In total, Dr. James spent 7 years with Manner, treating patients in the USA as well as Mexico.
In 1989, Dr. James became the Assistant Medical Director at the International Medical Center in Juarez, Mexico. This Center was founded by the late Ray Evers, M.D., who was known as the “Grandfather of Chelation Therapy” and a leader in Alternative Therapy.
After these many years of experience with Manner and Evers, utilizing different and effective protocols, Dr. James opened his own Clinic called “The Good Samaritan Medical Center” in Juarez, Mexico.
The Center features Chelation Therapy, Metabolic Cancer Therapies, Immune System Therapies and other Therapies such as Rejuvenation, Live Cell, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone and Detoxification.
Dr. James’ dedication to his patients has resulted in many patients lovingly referring to him as their doctor who “Heals with His Heart.”
He may be reached at his office in El Paso, Texas by phone/fax 866-229-3720 and email [email protected]
Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Lay was our front. Say my name is Ricardo James. I'm out. Andy and. I was here about 20 years ago. Does the last time I went. I came here and it's nice to see people like him, like Lorraine. She's my Bernal's. She's I mean, she's something else. And it's a pleasure to be here this time today. I really appreciate that for them. And thanks to you to be here. Well.
What I do is I got a hospital name, the Good Samaritan Medical Center. And while he mentioned two names, Tortora Reivers, they used to call the. They used to call him the grandfather of the collection therapy. And while I spent six years working with him and then he die. And before that, I work with author Harlan, Moner and Dijuana, which I spent seven years of my life beautiful. I love California. And I loved. I learned a lot in Tijuana. And I went by my own 20 years ago and I opened my own place.
So what I do is well to take care of my patients in the best way.
I believe in Intel.
Wrong. Wrong. Within altogether the good things for the benefits of the patient. My one of the main group of people who come to my patients, people patients are there are people who are dealing with cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and some other different type of fire or real bad cancers and others like cancers that are lives that sentence with either quite a few patients who become my friends.
And there they are alive and they're doing just great.
So when you approach approach the cancer patients, you know, you need to treat the cancer, but also the most important, you need to treat the patient. So when a patient comes from a hospital, the first thing they do is listen, listen to the patient, because he's very important to listen to the patient. You know, patient come from Canada from these calls, mostly Amish patients, patient or Mennonites from California, too. And most of them, they are like that.
I mean, they're power. They're tired. They're looking for help here in the United States, which is because is paid. And I don't I don't I don't come to criticize anybody. But in the United States, the thoroughbred used to say that that there is not a health department, that there is a sick the parliament, because people need to be sick because there's a lot of money involved and, you know, better any way down. He used to say that and I and