Good Samaritan Medical Center
In this video, Ricardo James spends about 24 minutes speaking on "Good Samaritan Medical Center" at the 46th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Ricardo James
RICARDO JAMES, M.D. graduated in 1981 from one of the most prestigious Medical Schools in Mexico, the University Autonoma in Guadalajara, which also receives students from the USA & many other countries.
Dr. James spent a couple of years in the conventional field but even then he was interested in the more natural ways of treating patients without drugs and using nutritional methods to heal.
In 1983 Dr. James started working at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. The Clinic was founded by the late Harold Manner, Ph.D., who was a pioneer in Metabolic Therapy. This provided Dr. James with a wide experience in treating cancer and arthritis, as well as multiple sclerosis. In total, Dr. James spent 7 years with Manner, treating patients in the USA as well as Mexico.
In 1989, Dr. James became the Assistant Medical Director at the International Medical Center in Juarez, Mexico. This Center was founded by the late Ray Evers, M.D., who was known as the “Grandfather of Chelation Therapy” and a leader in Alternative Therapy.
After these many years of experience with Manner and Evers, utilizing different and effective protocols, Dr. James opened his own Clinic called “The Good Samaritan Medical Center” in Juarez, Mexico.
The Center features Chelation Therapy, Metabolic Cancer Therapies, Immune System Therapies and other Therapies such as Rejuvenation, Live Cell, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone and Detoxification.
Dr. James’ dedication to his patients has resulted in many patients lovingly referring to him as their doctor who “Heals with His Heart.”
He may be reached at his office in El Paso, Texas by phone/fax 866-229-3720 and email [email protected]
Yes. Well, thanks. Thanks a lot. A frown and a rain, and it's a pleasure and honor to be here. I come. I used to work in the A. Friends say we don't know Hotrod Manor for seven, eight years. Working with cancer patients. And then. Well, I think God gave me the opportunity to work with author Harlem Hurried Manner, which was the leader of the metabolic therapy. And then when he die, I decide to move to to my own house, which is in Juarez, Mexico, by the way. I'm American born United States. But I grew up in Mexico.
So how worried should I stay? I run to Mexico. There's a war there. I come here. Well, when I move over there, they offer me to a job as a medical director or hospital. And one month later, somebody called me Doctor Reivers. They called the grandfather of the collection therapy. And then I was there working for him for seven and 10 years easily. And now he die. And, well, I learned a lot from Huttle Monagle or horror manner that is rest in peace as well. Right. Evers, the gentleman, the Dr. David. He did the presentation. I'm 100 percent agree with them. You know, most of my patients. Let me tell you how I treat my patients. When I when one patient come to my clinic, I listen carefully, slowly. I put the patient in front of me, sits in the table at the table. I see the arm and I put the wife on the side. And then I ask to the patient, the use mom. And he say no. And why say yes? And then saw you know, because you tell the daughter. The doctors or whatever your one. But, you know, I it's very important to listen carefully, very carefully for the patients, because if you listen to the patient, you will save a lot of time and money in unnecessary tests. Gas cans and Emma rise. And so is very important to listen to the patient out there. I listen to the patient. I do what throughly physical examination. They take me about two or three days to know, whereas the patient is. And then I say myself, what what I will do if I'm this patient. Because that's the best way to treat the patient. You know, put in the shoes of the patient. You know, one time I have a well my. Just to let you know, I receive. Patient with the cardinal muscular disease would blockage of the arteries, which is the number one killer in America, and cancer patient. And some other diseases anyway. So my