Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Holistic, Cancer

In this video, Francisco Soto spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Holistic, Cancer" at the 35th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Francisco Soto

FRANCISCO SOTO, M.D. received his Medical Degree from the San Carlos University School of Medicine in Guatemala in 1982. He completed his residency in General Surgery in 1986.

He was trained at H.R. Evers Center in Alabama, under the direction of Dr. Ray Evers, the doctor often referred to as “The Grandfather” of Chelation Therapy. Dr. Soto completed his studies in Alternative Medicine in 1988 and in 1989 he became a Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) as well as a Diplomat of the American Board of Chelation Therapy. From 1991 to 1994 Dr. Soto became the Director of IMC, International Medical Center.

In 1994 Dr. Soto founded AMG, Advanced Medical Group, where he oversees a highly trained and caring Medical Staff. AMG doctors have dedicated 23 years to treating patients with leading edge therapies in Alternative and Orthodox Medicine for Cancer and Chronic Degenerative Diseases. Advanced Medical Group clinic is located only 10 minutes from the border in CD, Juarez Chihuahua Mexico with its executive offices in El Paso, Texas.

Drawing from his extensive knowledge and with over 450,000 Chelation Therapy sessions Dr. Soto has developed his own I.V. Formula called Advansol which has proven to be more effective than the EDTA Chelation Therapy. Dr. Soto has formulated and created the AMG exclusive all natural Nutritional Supplement Line that includes Advanced Super Greens and FibraSol which aid in post-treatment Therapy.

Therapies offered at Advanced Medical Group include Chelation Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Live Cell Therapy, Laetrile, Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide, Colon Hydro Therapy, Hyperbaric Medicine and others. Utilizing the most sophisticated methods of testing, therapies are administered according to the specific needs of the patient.

Dr. Soto may be contacted by phone 800-863-7686, website and email [email protected].


Thank you very much.

Well, first of all, I want to give things to the lawyer for give me the opportunity to come back to this wonderful audience and deliver to you my experience upon this 21 years in November of dealing with or treating with patients with cancer. And the major number of patients in my practice are breast and prostate cancer. How did I get involved with these modalities of treatment? If we go back to 1986, I was seeking training to learn about colation therapy to help patients back in Guatemala that were suffering from stroke, hardening of the arteries, Quirinale vascular disease. And when I met Dr. Ray Evers, who is a wonderful experience, he was a country doctor practice in Cottonwood, Alabama, a very small town. And he he was a very dedicated physician. He used to get up in the morning at 2:00 in the morning, start seeing patients 3:00 in the morning. And when Gwen went on until 5:00 in the afternoon, so they schedule for our patients was a very, very special, very peculiar. We started a HBO treatment is very early.

Because they chambers get a little bit hot in that summertime weather in in Alabama.

But more than that, I learn to to be compassionate with the patients. I learned that a patient is not a person that is suffering from X or Y or Z cancer. I learned to approach the patients by their first name basis to get involved with their personal issues, try to find out why they were that way, why what happens to them after they were told they had cancer. Trying to really understand all the influences that they were subject to. And I have really learned from the patients. A lot of things we still learning. We doctors don't pretend to know at all. I am quite happy to see now doctors practice in in the United States that are also using the same modalities of treatment, integrating medicine, using both worlds alternative and holistic approach. So the approach here, number one, is we are going to do a patient treatment using and a comprehensive approach. And we need to understand that a person is not a body along. We are a spirit. We live in a body and we have a soul that gets all in communication with the other people. So we need to deal with integration of those three beings if we want to really succeed. We can do. Only treatments for the body. We can do only treatments for the soul, but if we don't take care of the spirit, we are lost.

So that's my Christiane background tells


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