Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Hulda Clark Program

In this video, Ronald Gdanski spends about 31 minutes speaking on "Hulda Clark Program" at the 28th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


It's wonderful that they will invite people who do not have a long record of successful talking in public and a history of cancer control and so on, giving new people a chance to express new ideas. Thank you very much.

And I'd also like to thank Jackie, my wife, who has attended this with me and has been a tremendous help in doing the research and writing of this book. And most of all, I'd like to dedicate this talk to Dr. Holda Regear Clark. Because of her, I have a brother and a sister who are now alive. And what they have done is used her method of controlling cancer and preventing it as well as curing it.

One had breast cancer, which later metastasized to her backbone. They gave her no chance of survival. She sold her house, her car, auctioned off her furniture. And later, I heard about this, she did the parasite cleanse and the Aci-herbal tea thing. And she's doing just great. And she's now 82.

My brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 82. He couldn't do it. But from Toronto or in Canada, and we have a overloaded facilities, they don't treat people at that age. It's just not economical, I guess. He did the parasite cleanses and the zapping of Holda Clerk program and the Essiac. And he's doing great. He's 87 and he plays ball on the seniors team. And he's the catcher as well.

So, I got into this industry or business, if you want to call it that, I think by chance, I had a younger much.... And my brother died of prostate cancer in 1992. I didn't know anything about Essiac or the herbs, but I did try to help them and that's how I kind of got involved. But mainly, I don't want to follow him down that path. No, no thank you. It was very very painful and very very sad. So that's why I became interested in searching the cause of cancer.

I'm like you. I just walked off the street, if you wish and a pair of jeans is only thing I knew about jeans and he used to wear them, okay? And I didn't believe in her herbs. They were the last thing I would consider as being useful for that. I knew nothing about parasites, but I wanted to learn so I was very fortunate in that. I had a lot of help and a lot of free time because I've owned some businesses and invent things for a living. And the business is kind of looked after me.

So I devoted 6 years to researching the cause

Prostate Cancer

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