Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Immune Protocols, Cancer

In this video, Michael Guthrie spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Immune Protocols, Cancer" at the 28th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Michael Guthrie

Michael Guthrie, RPh., is a clinical pharmacist who graduated from Auburn’s Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn. His medical specialization is Pharmacist – Geriatric, and Guthrie has hospital, business, and residential experience. He also researches scientifically validated integrative medical approaches.


Well, you're going get a little bit of Daryl Sea.

Actually, I work with the Immune Institute, and Daryl could not make it today, so I'll be going over some of the modalities that we use in the institute against cancer.

As I was introduced, I'm a clinical pharmacist, but I'm also the director of public relations for the Immune Institute, and a lot of what I do is talk to patients that are thinking about coming out to the institute in Huntington Beach.

Ladies and gentlemen, our next part of the program is going to be Michael Guthrie, who is now only a registered pharmacist but engages in clinical pharmacy. He's a medical writer as well as a researcher, and he researches those protocol on those particular products that are effective. And he does the laboratory work and works with laboratories to show that they are effective. And so it's a great pleasure to have for the first time on our stage, Michael Guthrie.

Thank you.

So anyway, I found out last night that they wanted me to speak. And fortunately, I talk to patients all the time about our program. And also let me mention that in the upcoming issue of Alternative Medicine magazine, the Immune Institute will be the featured clinic. And we have about a thousand reprints here of that article and they're gone. So our friends at the MU plus booth will have a sign up sheet. And if you would like to receive that reprint, it's really a wonderful job that the people at Alternative Medicine did; those diagrams, those schematics about 12 anti-cancer strategies that are used at the institute.

So please visit the MU Plus Booth, if you'd like to sign up, and we'll mail you one of those. Okay, we've got a web site also, because you'll probably forget most of what I say. And there's so much being said at these conferences. And so you can go to for further information. Now, what we're gonna be talking about, and this is actually just following the... Okay, my thing is not moving.

Let's see what we've got going on here.

Let's this. try Yes, I'm there.

There we go. Okay.

I've heard Daryl Sea talk about this so many times. I'm so grateful to be working with people like Dr. Sea. Dr. Nicholson works closely with the institute, we're both in Huntington Beach, California, by the way, and we're constantly exchanging information and findings with each other.

For many years, up maybe 30, 35 years, there's been a peculiar biochemical property of cancer cells that scientists have exploited, and that is the fact that cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells.


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