Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

International BioCare Answer

In this video, Rodrigo Rodriguez spends about 27 minutes speaking on "International BioCare Answer" at the 41st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Rodrigo Rodriguez

RODRIGO RODRIGUEZ, M.D. obtained his Medical Degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and did his post-graduate and fellowship in the United States, Canada and Mexico. He is a postgraduate in Nuclear Medicine.

In 1976, Dr. Rodriguez joined the group that co-founded what is now known as International Bio Care Hospital and Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. He is the Medical Director and is an internationally recognized pioneer in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine.

Dr. Rodriguez has implemented innovative medical protocols sharing information with numerous consultants and research institutes around the world and has participated in symposia and workshops in the USA and foreign countries. He has undertaken collaborative research projects in Mexico and foreign institutions in the use of Cellular Therapy, Childhood Retardation, Ozone, Gene Therapy, Whole-Body Hyperthermia and Intravenous Hyper Alimentation in cancer and degenerative diseases. Physicians and patients from around the world seeking information on the latest advancements in Metabolic Nutritional Therapy regularly consult him.

Currently, Dr. Rodriguez is involved with supplementation for optimum health performance and Anti-Aging Protocols, Innovative Cancer Programs and Oxidative Therapies for chronic infectious processes.

Contact International BioCare by phone 800-701-7345, website or e-mail [email protected].


Well, thank you very much. A pleasure to be here. As Frank said before, I lost count of how many years. But we keep working and we keep working and we keep doing things and we can we have improving and adding on to a lot of things. But before the presentation, I was thinking a little bit about what has happened in these 40 years since since all this movement began. And there are a lot of things that have happened. There are a lot of things that came around. And if you see think of 1973. We didn't have a marriage. We didn't have a lot of things. We didn't have a lot of the knowledge that we have now. But nevertheless, a lot of the principles of alternative medicine, or I should say a lot of the of the principles that stand for good medical care still stand, not only stand, but they're stronger. Because all we have been able to do learn with all these medical knowledge throughout all these 40 years is to go back to the beginning and know that the medical management of problems has always been in the right track. When you talk about alternative, when you talk about immunity, when you talk about host defense and and all these things, and it the problem is with the people that went astray, that people that went on a different direction and thought they had the knowledge and they they thought they were arrogant enough to know to believe that they had the answer to the medical problems without trusting the nature of illnesses and the nature of the defense system of of people. We really have a wonderful body and that wonderful body can really make a lot of miracles. So biker hospital has more than three decades and it has research and pioneered and has gone to different parts of the world and gather all this information to learn how to deal with chronic degenerative disease, with cancer and so on, building the capacities of the immune system and building the defense system and the host. All ability to heal. Heal is the key word. We do not want to get here. We don't want to defeat the disease. We don't want anything. We just want to heal. We want to come back to the condition we were before this disease stroke. So we have gather unique modalities to fight all these conditions. We have been researching for decades about splenic and microbial activity that can damage the immune system. That can be a big burden in order to do for the recovery of from a deadly disease, chronic inflammation. And

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