IPT, Cancer
In this video, Juergen Winkler spends about 24 minutes speaking on "IPT, Cancer" at the 43rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Juergen Winkler
Juergen Winkler, MD, ABIHM, ABOIM is an integrative medicine specialist serving patients at Quantum Functional Medicine in Carlsbad, California. He has over 33 years of experience in the medical field and founded the integrative functional medical clinic in July 2012.
He graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore in 1988. In 2005, he co-founded Genesis Health Systems (Integrative Cancer and Medical Treatment Center) located in Oceanside, California. At Quantum Functional Medicine, Dr. Winkler provides a wide range of services, including medical rejuvenation, bioresonance therapy, cardiovascular therapy, IV therapy, sports medicine, and more.
Dr. Winkler has been a featured speaker for the NSCC Women’s Health Seminar, Annual IPT/IPTLD Integrative Cancer Care Conference (multiple years), Health Freedom Expo 2011 & 2012, Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine in Osaka, Japan, ACOSPM 2010 and 2011 conferences, NSCC Health and Wellness Series 2013, and various other events. He is the physician author of chapter five in the book “Defeat Cancer” and has been a featured physician in the Townsend Letter.
Great. Thank you.
Thank you, and I'm really it's really a pleasure to be able to give a lecture on IAPT. It's been a a modality used in a lot of other countries. It's been used here as well. And it's it's got a long history. Someone review the history of IPT.
I'll give you some more information about how the effective of IAPT, this insulin effect is on the body and on the cells. And I'll give you just sort of a brief overview of what we're doing in terms of our comprehensive treatment in our office. You know, we talk about IAPT. People really don't know that this is actually been around for over 80 years.
And some of the original history.
OK. Am I in the wrong way here? You must be. There you go.
So just a quick quote here.
It is his or her contribution or others to the larger world that makes a hero into a hero for the ultimate task of the hero is to bring knowledge, energy and power back to the people he or she loves and to share it with them.
And that's for Maria Nemeth. I thought that was an interesting quote. So IPT getting back to the history, IPT started in 1934. This when we have some early documentation. So this isn't something that's been around for a short time. And he really has been around. It just has not been studied by any large pharmaceutical company. Hence you're not going to hear about it in the mainstream literature. So here 1934, the original Dr. Donato Perez Garcia had started with insulin 10 years earlier, discovering that when insulin was discovered, it was an anabolic steroid that had an effect for him in terms of gaining weight.
He would eat before each meal. He would take insulin and found that he could gain weight. And within about 20, within several weeks, months, he gained about 20 pounds of really muscle. He was a very lean man and he gained quite a bit of weight and was actually a lot more healthy and robust. So he began using the IAPT for polio and was treating the polio epidemic in Mexico and had some incredible results. So you've been to see this is something that's been again. It's been around.
It's been studied. He's been here. You hear about it in Time magazine in 1944. We're just gonna kind of go quickly through these. 1945 really begin to to see its being Purnomo used in Mexico, his all Spanish articles and references.
And then we finally get to the point where it's going to be brought over to the United