Kangen Water
In this video, Neil Pennella spends about 18 minutes speaking on "Kangen Water" at the 38th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Neil Pennella
NEIL PENNELLA, ATTORNEY graduated from New York University School of Law in 1977 where he trained as an International and Corporate Attorney. Upon entering private law practice, Mr. Pennella was simultaneously introduced to the world of Meditation, Hypnosis and Alternative Healing. While developing an expertise in media law through his long career at Home Box Office in New York City, he successfully created a second life track studying mental and physical alternative healing practices. He received certificates in Meditation, Therapeutic Touch, Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In the 1980's Mr. Pennella and his wife, Aurora Christidis, created proactive health programs for smoking cessation and weight loss for the largest YMCA's in New York City under the banner of their consulting company, Creative Inductions.
While continuing to handle a variety of international and media clients, Mr. Pennella is proud to have served since the late 1990's as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Quantum-Veritas International University Systems (QVIUS) as an innovative alternative health educational institution fully accredited by the State of California that teaches health practitioners healing arts not commonly aggregated into one school: among them Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Nursing, Chiropractic, Native Healing Arts and Nutrition. QVIUS has brought integrative medical initiatives to inner city neighborhoods and to the less affluent, which has been a notable hallmark of the QVIUS community outreach.
In this century, Mr. Pennella developed a broader mission to better the health of America by focusing on improving diet and lifestyle. In 2007 he was introduced to Kangen Water™, an ionized, alkaline water developed by the Japanese-based Enagic USA, and became much more aware of the benefits of alkalinizing the body for health. He became an active distributor and has since become a leader in the Los Angeles area for disseminating powerful home water ionizers and educating the public on the acid/alkaline balance, detoxifying the body and super-hydrating the cells. He was made aware, by directly observing members in the program, of the power to address even the most debilitating chronic afflictions and to successfully allow the body to restore a healthful balance.
Mr. Pennella is a frequent speaker and presenter in many group venues, national teleconferences and radio interviews. He can be reached by phone 323-284-0530, emailed at [email protected] or contacted through his authorized general website, www.h2origin.com/neilswaterforlife and his new website specifically devoted to bettering the health of animals: www.kangen4pets.com.
Thank you, Frank Cousineau, and thank you, Lorraine Rosenthal, for inviting me and my team, here it is. I guess it is unusual to have an attorney speaking of health, because, you know, health professionals, they say that's the helping profession. So I guess what the attorneys are, they're hurting profession. I'm not quite sure, but whatever. I'm being a typical German. I always had to I always had two lines of interest in my life, and corporate and legal was one. But meditation, health and other things. Shall we call them alternatives to the commonplace? Always had a tremendous fascination for me. And I want to say that my my wife was also out here today. Aurora has been tremendously supportive of both those streams. So she talk about a spouse that really is understanding. I think that's been terrific. And she's been a very big supporter of what we're talking about today as well, which is we're calling this a new prescription for health alkalis ionized water. I reveal myself very quickly that I am a distributor for a group that has a particular bent on it. And that's the Nasdaq companies, Kangan Water and in Ruth for 06 and for 07, out into the more it will show called the Reading Room out there. You can come by and see what it is that we do. And hopefully there'll be some questions that will arise from what we're about to show you now that we can better answer more intelligently and more detail with you individually. So I won't do a Q&A Q&A at the end, if that's OK, Frank. OK, but this will be explanatory. And the reason that I believe that this video is very helpful is that. I'm going to show you the video now of four prestigious doctors. These are American medical, Western trained doctors. We're going to tell you a little bit about what what what they believe about ionized water. One of them I want to refer to specifically, actually to the first one is Dr. Harami Shinya. Those of you who know New York medical, you probably know Beth Israel, one of the top hospitals there. He was one of the inventors of the Colline ASCAP. The endoscopic surgical procedure that removes cancers, et cetera, is called the Shinya technique. So you can tell that he's a pretty prestigious in that business. So he's a man who's seen 370000 call and ask if personally probably more in history than any other individual ever have. I think he'll hold a record forever. And he knows a lot about what this water can do for you. So you're going to hear that.