Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Laetrile, Hypothermia, Cancer

In this video, Gilberto Alvarez spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Laetrile, Hypothermia, Cancer" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Dr. Gilberto Alvarez

Dr. Gilberto Alvarez is a medical doctor who graduated from the National Autonomous University in Mexico City and practices medicine in both Mexico and the United States. He has over 37 years of experience and a longtime practice in integrative and natural medicine for cancer patients. Between the years 1977 and 1981, he worked with Dr. Ernesto Contreras, a well-recognized doctor, founder of Oasis of Hope clinic in Tijuana, and the first doctor to have brought the German methods of therapy to Mexico.

Between 1982 and 1992 he was the medical director at Dr. Harold W. Manner’s clinic, pioneering in nutritional therapy based on laetrile and vitamins. Later on, Dr. Alvarez became the medical director at Stella Maris from 1993 until today. He participated on Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy in Munich, Germany with Dr. Karl Ransberger. He then became a member of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society (ICHS) in Florence, Italy in 2005. His experience in cancer and other disorders is extensive, and he implements his expertise in different programs given at his clinic.

On a personal level, Dr. Alvarez is a warm person who sees the patient as a whole and shows genuine caring and empathy. He answers patients’ calls personally before and after treatment.


Thank you all. OK. I'm going to make this presentation in in two areas where the first part is going to be covered by all the therapies we have for those cancer who happen to show a slow pattern of behavior in our worse cancers who grow slow. And that covers about 80 percent of our patients where we use our first line approach, which has to do with a conservative. Hundred percent conservative approach. The second part is going to be addressed to all those cases, cancer that had been resistant or cancer that had been primarily treated by older therapies or those cancer happens to show an aggressive behavior. And that accounts for about a good 10, 20 percent of our patients where we add other modalities.

So I'm going to start off with the first slide. And here we have to ensure that we are creating an ideal homeostasis in our patients and the one we have balanced, the patient's functioning. We will proceed with our natural cancer protection system and through immunomodulators. Does our conservative approach. So when we go into details, we will see that we are to to balance all the system, the respiratory system.

They use the system, all the circulatory function.

It should be in these optimal way in order that we prepare our body for our second part of the therapy, which has to do with our natural cancer attacking system. We are to eliminate all these toxins that we are exposed to, to prior from prior chemos, from radiation, on air pollution.

Would that really impair your sale for from a good functioning? So all these toxins have to come out. And we are also to restore an Alcalay station in the small intestine. We are to ensure that we are inducing an ideal absorption where we can take advantage of your all your nutrients, where your amino acid, the vitamins and the insigne will be properly. You know, going where we need them.

Now, we are so far to eliminate all these Oxford radicals through all these antioxidants, and we actually emphasize while the patients being treated at the clinic, the use of also an intravenous line, and that's been one of the key parts of the therapy to eliminate all these oxide radicals. And again, we also the ozone, when it is administered to that root, it will be able to attack bacteria's fungus and virus as well. And this was properly documented by Dr Warburg. And and actually, he the the pioneer in this ozone therapy. And there's quite a bit of data support in this. These are results.

Where to ensure. Well, that we are eliminating

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