Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Livingston Foundation Medical Center

In this video, Arthur Alexander spends about 22 minutes speaking on "Livingston Foundation Medical Center" at the 30th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


It's been an honor to follow the great late Dr. Virginia Livingston. I was a scientific adviser to her for 15 years, worked very closely with her in the development of immune therapies. And today we're I'm but topic of my talk. Is what's new at Livingston. But before I get into that, I want to address an issue. I believe strongly that the greatest health problem in the world is how to restore and enhance the immune system so it will fight successfully against it.

Life-threatening chronic diseases such as cancer. Lupus, scleroderma, and so this is what we do at Livingston. Dr. Virginia Livingston. Discovered. How to do this? And I followed her lead. She discovered that there was a microbe.

That she was able to isolate back in the 40s and 50s from every single animal and human cancer.

Now, this microbe.

This strange little animal. It's a mycobacterium. It's related to tuberculosis and leprosy, believe it or not. It exists in many forms, so it was oftentimes mistaken diagnosis as just a contaminant. Bacteria. It is anything but Catala. It is a major cause of these chronic diseases, these life-threatening diseases. She also discovered. That she could isolate. And grow that microbe in a petri dish just like past Duer and some of the great scientists of the past. And she could take that microbe and from the feature dish and inject it into other animals that are healthy. And she could Bruce, cancer, the same cancer. As the animal for which that cancer had been taken or the human being who could take human cancers and do the same thing. This is called Cox Hospital. Coke was a famous German investigator back in the eighteen hundreds.

He is the man, of course, in the news today. We all know about this. He was the man that. Found anthrax. Bacteria. He found he could inject, isolate, identify, have injected that same bacteria back into other healthy animals and produce anthrax. He also was the discoverer of tuberculosis. So Dr. Livingston followed what is called today by the science, the coax posture.

She isolated her patient's urine and other bodily fluids. The microbe, we all have it, it's smelly. And she was able to grow that in tissue culture. She was able to kill it. With a very weak phenol solution and suspended in sailing, sterile sailing and made up various vaccines, which he could then stimulate that patient's immune system, it's from the patient to the patient.

So in one word, it's called an Autogen as vaccine, but she could stimulate the production of specific antibodies against that microbe. That microbe, though, is an insidious critter.

Immune Therapies

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