Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Malillumination, Melatonin, Cancer

In this video, Russel Reiter spends about 30 minutes speaking on "Malillumination, Melatonin, Cancer" at the 31st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Russel Reiter

RUSSEL REITER, Ph.D. received his Degree in Endocrinology from Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 1964. He was then appointed Professor of Anatomy at the University of Rochester, New York and later at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas. Since 1984, he has been a Professor of Neuro-endocrinology at the University of Texas Health Science Center. He may be contacted at 210-567-3859.

In the subsequent 30 years, Dr. Reiter has received more than 40 honors and awards, including 3 Honorary Doctorates in Medicine and the coveted McIntyre Medal for Achievement in Medical Science.

Dr. Reiter is Founder and Editor of The Journal of Pineal Research and he has served on the Advisory Board of 23 other Medical Journals. He has been first author or made substantial contributions to more than 700 research articles in peer-reviewed Journals including Science, Nature and Lancet. He has written 6 professional books and edited 37 others. He is also a dedicated teacher and has worked with more than 90 postdoctoral students. His outstanding teaching ability has earned him 4 separate citations.

Dr. Reiter has devoted 33 years of research to the pineal gland and melatonin. Colleagues have labeled him “the godfather” of melatonin research. His major interests in research have related to the role of the pineal gland and melatonin in reproductive physiology, factors regulating pineal melatonin production and, most recently, the function of melatonin in antioxidative defense mechanisms.

Dr. Reiter co-authored a book with Jo Robinson called Melatonin – Breakthrough Discoveries That Can Help You. This book reveals cutting-edge research on melatonin – a natural hormone and antioxidant that helps determine how well we sleep, how fast we age and how effectively we fight off disease and toxins. Chapter 6, Taming the Savage Cell, tells about your built-in protection against cancer.

The book also provides vital information on how to protect and enhance your body’s natural production of this life-giving hormone such as High Serotonin In The Day, High Melatonin At Night – A Recipe For Health.


Thank you very much.

They're supposed to be improvers, appointer. Yes. Hey, parodist.

Let's talk about light and dark, about melatonin and about cancer and how they interrelate.

Obviously, we were raised under lighting conditions where it was provided by the sun, sunlight or solar radiation at the earth's surface is about 37 percent visual waves, three percent ultraviolet and roughly 60 percent infrared ultraviolet light. Of course, can induce DNA damage. But it's also important, as I mentioned earlier, for the production of vitamin D in the skin on one of Dr. Slagle is ladder's slide.

He noted sunlight in moderation. This is very important. Sunlight should not be totally avoided.

Visible light is a very small portion of the total electromagnetic spectrum.

But as I mentioned, sunlight also contains ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

Also, the brightness of sunlight is very significantly greater than that provided by artificial light sources in indoor settings, for example, sunlight.

Can I have a brightness of about thousand foot candles or a hundred thousand locks, whereas indoor lighting typically has no more than 600 legs?

And this is very important in terms of setting your biological clock, adjusting your circadian rhythms. And I'm going to show you how light, in fact, adjusts your circadian rhythms.

Artificial lights are also different in terms of what are referred to as the color ingredients. Here is normal sunlight.

And now there are recent attempts, such as by the Vital Light Corporation to produce light sources that at least in terms of the color ingredients, are similar to the sunlight. This is probably a very good idea.

In as much as we evolved in light of this type.

And the most of the artificial light sources that are currently used are not red Madison in either terms of brightness or in terms of the specific wavelengths of light they contain.

I'm going to talk primarily about the effects of light.

On you as a whole and namely the light perceived by your eyes, your eyes have specific photo receptors referred to as rods and cones, which of course subserve vision, but they also do something else. Your retinas contain a very specialized type of cell discovered within the last five years, which is related to your circadian system.

Here are your eyes.

These fibers from your eyes projecting your brain to the biological clock. This term here, S.E and Shupe of ties Mandic nucleus. That is not important. The important thing is this is your biological clock at the base of your brain.

It depends on light and dark information regen, very light and dark information that is perceived from your eyes.

In other words, when you


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