Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Medicinal Mushrooms, Health, Beauty, Cancer

In this video, Mark Kaylor spends about 27 minutes speaking on "Medicinal Mushrooms, Health, Beauty, Cancer" at the 34th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Mark Kaylor

MARK KAYLOR, M.H., C.N., Ph.D. received his M.H. as a Master Herbalist through 5 certification programs, his C.N. through the Nine Institute for Nutritional Education Correspondence and his Ph.D. in Sociology of Change & Healing from University of Oregon in Eugene.

Dr. Kaylor is a lifelong student of Healing as a ”path” – a way of living. With a diverse background of study that led him from a more conventional education to exploring Traditional Medicine (including American Indian, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shamanistic) and Holistic Healing. Mark has developed an Eclectic Approach to health and healing. His travels have led him from the Amazonian rain forest to the Cherokee reservation.

In his role as an educator and healer, Mark works passionately to encourage individuals to empower themselves and to discover their own path to radiant health. He has worked and consulted in the Natural Foods Industry for well over 30 years as a leading holistic health educator, formulator, radio show host/guest, and author. You can catch him frequently on health talk radio and also visit his informational website: or on Facebook at:


We'd like to thank everybody for being here. Do we need both of these?

We have the really hard core, serious people here today, the ones that have hung on for all three days. So thank you very much. We're going to talk about a category of nutrients and supplements that I know you heard a little bit about on the first day, but you probably haven't heard too much about. And the orientation that we're taking the lecture today is probably on me a little different than what you're familiar with.

As you see as we get into it, this is a very, very large topic that we have in front of us. We have a very, very short time period. This lecture for me usually is about three hours plus questions and answers. We've got to do it here in 30 minutes, I guess. So I imagine you'll have it physically yanked me from the stage to get through this stuff, but hopefully you'll still get something out of it. The problem is that there's such a range of mushrooms, which is what we're going to talk about here today out there. So we can really only touch on a few. Some of the most important ones. And there's really such a wide breadth of activities of these mushrooms that liley with any one of these mushrooms, we could try stand up or I could stand up here and talk for a couple hours. You may not want to sit there for a couple hours and listen to it, but we'll let you decide that as we get into it. So really, what I hope to do and this is just to have a conversation with you to introduce medicinal mushrooms to you, maybe to pique your interest. Director, your energies and your focus and maybe a mushroom that may be useful and helpful for you.

But more importantly, what I want to try to do is get you to think a little differently about your health, about your body, and even about the healing process. There's certainly a lot to be said for the treating of symptoms and the treating of diseases, but I don't think that is the most powerful medicine that we have available to us. I think we have a much stronger medicine available to us and we're gonna talk about that here with these tonic medicines today. I want to start off with a quote from Linus Pauling When an old and distinguished person speaks to you. Listen to him carefully and with respect, but do not believe him. Never put your trust in anything but your own intellect.

No matter whether he


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