Rx, Recovery, Health, Cancer Profile, Longevity Tests
In this video, Emil Schandl spends about 33 minutes speaking on "Rx, Recovery, Health, Cancer Profile, Longevity Tests" at the 34th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Emil Schandl
EMIL SCHANDL, Ph.D. received a B.A. Degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Analytical Biology), M.S. from a San Diego State University, San Diego, California (Biochemistry and Enzymology) and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Molecular Genetics). He pursued training in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at a Humana Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
He is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the specialties of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Serology and Immunohematology in the states of Florida, New York, California and a number of others.
Dr. Schandl is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, registered by the National Registry in Clinical Chemistry and past Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Toxicology Department. He has been a Professional Staff member of two acute care hospitals in Hollywood, Florida. Dr. Schandl has published numerous articles in scientific refereed journals and has written news articles on cancer, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, anti-fluoridation of drinking water, etc.
Emil served on Florida Senator, Hon. Mack’s U.S. Senatorial Cancer Advisory Committee for 10 years to advise on national cancer policies.
Since 1977, Dr. Schandl has been the Director of the Center for Metabolic Disorders, CA Laboratory and currently American Metabolic Laboratories, Metabolic Research, Inc. and Immuno Laboratories. He is the inventor/designer of the blood tests Cancer Profile©, (CA Profile©) for early detection and follow-up of malignancies and also of the Longevity Profile©, an expansion of the Cancer Profile. These blood test panels can foretell cancer, heart disease, bone loss and lack of longevity factors, years before a diagnosis can be made by any other methods.
Presently Dr. Schandl is working on the development of cancer specific antibodies and the applicability of stem cells in various diseased conditions.
He can be reached at the American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida by phone 954-929-4814 and e-mail [email protected]
How everybody. OK. It was very interesting and powerful to listen to Dr. Coburn talking about the demography, that thermographic examination of the human breast. I don't know if you have read about it must have been about a month ago or more. There was an article out saying that mammograms actually can be harmful. It's published somewhere you can find it. They found that women who carry the her swept in her gene or gene to and received the mammography, they have a very great risk of developing breast cancer. You know, there was a controversy going on before mammograms, harmful or not harmful. There is less radiation than in the sun. All those things. So now this is a fact that if a woman carries this gene and will have a mammogram like a yearly basis, you can bet pretty much bet on a breast cancer. So you be careful. You may want to have a genetic testing first before you submit to mammography. Now, talking about cancer, there are four kinds of people. I want to categorize things as a scientist. There are those who don't have cancer. Period. There are those who are developing cancer or maybe in the process of developing cancer. And there are those who have it but don't know that they have it. And there are those who are diagnosed with cancer. And we all will fall into one of these categories. I remember some years ago, not that very long ago. Watch the Oprah show and they're on call, legislate, demonstrate that how to detect cancer or breast cancer. Everybody stood up. They lifted up their arms and they started to feel their breasts. And the lady said, if you find a lump, whatever size it is, you must go see your doctor immediately. This was, of course, and still is in use of rather rudimentary kind of diagnostic procedure. Once you find a lump or bump, you have some abnormal signs, which may be cancer. It means that you have cancer. It's too late. But I'm going to tell you about is how to detect cancer really before it happens. The cancer profile that I have developed can foretell developing malignancy years before there is a tumor. If you have results or that are back 10 or sometimes even more years before, because the blood is carrying biological biochemical markers, telling or rather heralding that something is going wrong. If you don't know that something is going wrong, you are innocently can do anything about it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix. But if it ain't broke, it may break eventually and it will.
I want you to know that