San Diego Clinic
In this video, Filiberto Munoz spends about 16 minutes speaking on "San Diego Clinic" at the 38th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Filiberto Munoz
FILIBERTO MUÑOZ, M.D. received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the National Autonomous University in Mexico City, Mexico. His medical specialty is the application of Immunotherapy to the Practice of Oncology.
Since 1997, he has been the Medical Director of the San Diego Clinic, located in Tijuana, Mexico. Dr. Muñoz has worked with a number of Alternative/Integrative Clinics in Mexico. This experience has provided him with a broad base of knowledge, which he augmented with extensive research and analysis of Therapies from around the globe. This research and experience includes his work with Professor Werner Scheidl, Ph.D. and specific insights into the therapeutic application of Hyperthermia from his study in Italy. He has evaluated over 10,000 patients from the United States and foreign countries.
Dr. Muñoz takes an eclectic approach with his treatment protocols, which include, but are not limited to, German Immune Boosting Therapies, Biological Therapies, Autologous and Heterologous Vaccines, Cancer Vaccines, Tumor-Site injectables, Immune Support Therapies, Metabolic Therapies, Muñoz-Modified Fractionated Chemotherapy, Dendritic Cells, Stem Cells and more.
These Therapies allow Dr. Muñoz to design a per patient, individualized approach, which specifically targets cancer cells, corrects immune dysfunction and stimulates the patient's immune system. These safe and effective Multi-Modal Techniques are designed to bypass immune inadequacies, boost and strengthen the immune system and address detoxification.
Dr. Muñoz states, "I treat my patients with great care and strive to give them a thorough understanding of both their condition and the various options available to them. With this understanding and cooperation, patients bring novel ideas to the table, as well as, participate when formulating the Therapeutic Program that will improve the patient's condition."
You may contact Dr. Muñoz by phone 619/618-2879 and 619/804-7783, the website and e-mail at [email protected].
Well, hello. Good afternoon, all. Thank you for staying here. Well, sir, with a brief presentation about our work in Tijuana, Mexico, in our clinics and the clinic. Frank already has explained you that I work in several clinics, have a chance to learn many things, and I'm becoming a good believer in alternative medicine. That's why we're here. So first thing that I found is that to start a war with cancer, we have to think in our patients quality of life before we try to cure anything. Before we tried to get him out of the problem, we have to think of them as human beings and try to eliminate all the symptoms, all the problems that they may have. And that's what this phrase that we have here are more quality of life comes out for. That was the meaning of that. Our work is really simple. You know, as many of the clinics in that, you know, we are going to see our patients.
We are going to do a fresh review whenever somebody call us. We will like to have information sent to us. We have to review these because we would like to be enough honest to tell the patients, yes, please do the air for come down to Tijuana. We can help you or no, we are not the clinic that can help you. And please look around for four other alternative or diagnostics will include all these tests that you are seeing there. We first of all, do normal screening. We need x rays, the same ones that every other school asked, like C.T. scans, PET scans, MRI or whatever else. But this is more specific. We have this chemo sensitivity test which it help us to establish a IAPT type chemotherapy for our patients whenever we have to use it. It helps us to see if there is really a a way to work with chemotherapy or definitely the patient that is not sensitive to it. And we have to look for other treatments. Then we have these platelet culture tests, which is a Darfield microscopy test, which has a little difference between the traditional a field test, which is a culture of the blood and of serving these blocks for several days, will give us the chance to identify what is the tendency of our patients if they have a problem with cancer or any other chronic condition. It will tell us how aggressive this condition is and how much time we have to to work it out. That helped me a lot to put our program together.
A blood test, like I told you, we chacal from the traditional