Sugar, Cancer
In this video, Nancy Appleton spends about 21 minutes speaking on "Sugar, Cancer" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.
About Nancy Appleton
NANCY APPLETON, Ph.D., Speaker, Author, Researcher and Nutritional Consultant, obtained her Bachelor’s Degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Foods and Nutrition and her Ph.D. from Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in Health Services. Her dissertation was on “An Alternative to the Germ Theory.”
Nancy has had a personal experience with the destructive impact of abusive foods. A sugarholic since childhood, she was subject to maladies ranging from allergies, boils, candida and a removal of a lumbar calcium deposit to chronic bronchitis and many different bouts of pneumonia. Only when she changed her diet and lifestyle was she able to reverse the degenerative disease process and return her body to health.
As an author she has written Lick The Sugar Habit, Healthy Bones, The Curse of Louis Pasteur, Stopping Inflammation and her latest book, Suicide by Sugar. She has made a DVD called “Sweet Suicide,” which will be shown Sunday night, September 6th at 8 pm at the Cancer Control Society Convention.
Nancy lives in San Diego, California and may be contacted by phone 858-457-1942, website and e-mail [email protected].
Hi, I'm Greg Jacobs, and I basically have two qualifications for being here. I'm the guy who could actually write sentences. So I helped with this book. And as her son, I've been hearing mom drumbeat about sugar for at least 30 years now. I should know something. Basically, you know, our position has been sugar does really funky things to the mineral balances in the body, which messes up here, which messes up your immune system. So if your immune system isn't working. You know, here tonight, we're talking about cancer. The immune system is busy dealing with the food, the sugar and other things. It's not dealing with. Oh, well, this particular cell doesn't like the fact that it lives in Los Angeles.
And cancer may result.
So essentially, as I as as we said, it suppresses the immune system. Mineral, mineral relationships specifically, we you know, we test for the calcium phosphorus ratio. It's it's the easiest one. It's part of a standard CBC blood test and. It's the easiest thing to measure homeostasis. The intricate balance of. Various minerals and hormones to each other. That makes the body work properly as opposed to making it work improperly, where it whereupon you'll get sick. We've sugar unbalances this because we are evolutionarily adapted to what's called the caveman diet or the police, you know, the Stone Age diet, a lot of meat. Some some vegetables and a little bit of fruit that you forged along the hunt in 10000 years or more. We have not adapted to the fact that we now eat way too much sugar. My mother's know original studies, basically. Two teaspoons of sugar per day from all sources. You will get that from a plate of spaghetti or a piece of fruit. You do not need soda. Unfortunately, that chocolate sundae, you know, and. You know, so homeostasis his life. Among other things, in addition to part of the process, sugar causes your body to be acidic. The body actually prefers to be a little bit alkaline. And it will pull minerals from places where it's stored in the body where calcium pulls it out of the bones to deal with this. And then. The relationships are out of whack. For us, the you know, we've always used the standard of the calcium phosphorus ratio should be about 2.5. 2.5 calcium to two phosphorous and some people. The phosphorus goes way up, other people. The calcium goes way up either is bad. And, you know, this is a reaction to just too much glucose in your bloodstream. And we all know that we consume too much sugar. Yeah, to the tune of. How