Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Warn Your Neighbors

In this video, Clinton Miller spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Warn Your Neighbors" at the 40th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


I like that introduction because that's exactly why I'm here, is so that we can change the political climate. When you've done it, then it's easier to do it the next time. And we have changed the political climate in America over and over and over again. And we're ready to do it again. Now, you're going to help me, because that's what we did before. There is a form letter that's been passed out. And if you raise your hand, if you've not received it. How many of you got already got the form letter? Those that don't have it, raise your hand. And then then my daughter will pass it out to you. Now, the minute you get this form letter, I would appreciate it if you would read it with me and then sign it and then raise it up. Passage of the aisle and we'll pick it up because these are solid gold. This is a letter in which we are warning our governor here in California that they've got a terrible, terrible law that is on his desk as passed by the legislature, and we're simply asking him to veto it.

Let's let's read it together. When when you get your form letter, you can make sure if you agree with it, then you data and sign it at the head of it. It says, five hundred and twenty five deaths. Five hundred and twenty five deaths, three billion dollar fine. This is important that, you know, because this just came out. This is the honorable Jerry Brown, the governor of the state of California. And I'm leaning on this. I've changed all this.

I and that needs to be on. There's no way I can have been here. Embry's. OK.

This is Jerry Brown. I'm going to ask you to phone his office and that's the phone number at the upper right hand corner. And all you do when you get through the office, you say, I would like to leave a message with Governor Brown. They have a person that'll come on the line and say, what's your message? And you simply say, please. Veto. Assembly bill 21 or nine. How many of you know what Assembly Bill 21 on nine is? Well, what I try to do in these form letters is to make it so that you understand it in one letter and he understands it in one letter. What it is, it's a very, very, very bad bill. It's a bill that will take any person who wants to have their children exempted from the vaccination laws, which we've always had, and not only in California, but most of the


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