Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Ziolite, Detox

In this video, Garry Gordon spends about 27 minutes speaking on "Ziolite, Detox" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Garry Gordon

GARRY GORDON, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H) received his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1958 from the Chicago College of Osteopathy in Illinois, his honorary M.D. Degree from the University of California, Irvine in 1962 and completed his Radiology Residency from Mt. Zion in San Francisco, California in 1964.

Dr. Gordon is on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners for Arizona and is Co-Founder of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). He is Founder/President of the International College of Advanced Longevity (ICALM) and Board Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine.

Garry is the author of 4 books: The Chelation Answer (with Morton Walker, D.P.M.); The Omega 3 Miracle—The Icelandic Longevity Secret; The Promise of Puresterol (with Robert Horn) and the latest, Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting Yourself from Lead, Mercury & Other Environmental Toxins (with David Jay Brown).

Recognized as the “Father of Chelation Therapy,” Dr. Gordon is an expert on Nutrition, Mineral Metabolism and Longevity. He serves as full-time Consultant for Longevity Plus, LLC, a nutritional supplement company based in Payson, Arizona, where he is responsible for designing effective, natural, non-toxic alternative supplements for the treatment of every disease known to man.

Dr. Gordon may be contacted through the Gordon Research Institute by phone 928-472-4263, website and e-mail [email protected].


It's always fun to be back at cancer control. I've only been at thirty five of the thirty seven, so I'm kind of getting a hang of it. I want everybody to know that today we're going to introduce you to a concept that is changing my life and will change your life. We live in a time frame today when we can either try to remove all the toxins that we have and zeolite that is now available for the first time in a form that you've never heard of before. When we add it to things that you know a lot about, but we've taken vitamin C to a level that you've never seen it at before, you're going to be able to change all of our chronic illnesses, not just heart disease and cancer, but the epidemic of multiple sclerosis and autism. And all of these diseases are related. I'm intending to go through 90 slides in the next twenty five minutes. So you're not going to do anything but get a glimpse. But those of you who hear something that seems important to you may choose to buy it. Vitamin D is deficient. It is one of the big breakthroughs that proves the old nonsense that your diet will give you. Everything you need is just that nonsense. We know that vitamin A alone can change people's lives, but you have to know. Short term, four to five days. Half a million units. We now have found something in the ocean. Ocean water, Quintan. Marine plasma is changing people's lives because in the ocean water you have micro RNA. Is that help the body communicate much more effectively to deal with all kinds of diseases? We now know that we're gonna have to use probiotics on virtually everybody because we have a major problem killing the healthy bacteria in our bodies. So with probiotics able to reduce eczema by 60 percent and similar effects on asthma, we have to ask, what is the problem? Is it because we're all depressed? Is we're too stressed or maybe some people at the Environmental Working Group, these addresses are on these slides. When you read what this says, there is so many carcinogens and pollutants in every human being today that we want to have zeolite in every woman during pregnancy. So she's capturing all the toxins before they bio accumulate in her child. So this is actually Mount Sinai School of Medicine, who actually does the testing, which is only forty nine hundred dollars, which is why none of us do it. But if you do it, you'll find your children are six times what you are and


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