Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer patients have several options when it comes to treatment. Breast cancer mortality rates have significantly decreased because breast cancers can be quickly diagnosed with a breast MRI.

Breast cancer research has shown that it is crucial for women with breast cancer risk to self-examine to identify any breast lump they may have. As women age, they need to undergo mammograms on a regular basis so changes in breast tissue are easily identified.

Breast tissue may offer some symptoms, but women must consider their risk factors. Genetic counseling is imperative when it comes to proper cancer care.

There are several methods for treating breast cancer cells. A breast cancer doctor will determine the cancer type before suggesting recommended breast cancer treatment options.

Common breast cancers are:

  • Ductal carcinoma in situ
  • Invasive ductal carcinoma
  • Lobular carcinoma
  • Triple-negative breast cancer
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Advanced metastatic breast cancer

In the United States, approximately 266,400 people are diagnosed with breath cancer every year.

Success in treatment will depend on the early detection of breast cancer symptoms. Success might not necessarily mean a breast cancer cure, but rather survivorship.

How to Prevent

What Research Says

Female breast cancers have become the most commonly diagnosed cancers, almost as prevalent as lung cancer. Early detection and improved breast cancer therapy have contributed to a significant decrease in deaths over the past two decades.

Male breast cancer is a cancer type that is often overlooked, but it is estimated that approximately 2700 men will be diagnosed with this tissue cancer this year.

When invasive cancer is detected only in the breast without affecting a lymph node, five-year survival rates are almost 99%. Women undergoing advanced breast cancer treatment have favorable survival rates due to the advancements in clinical oncology.

Tests & Diagnosis

How is it given?

Research for effective breast cancer treatments began in the early 20th century. Radical mastectomies were performed routinely until Babette Rosmond, the former editor of Seventeen, demanded alternative treatment. She found a doctor who offered to perform a partial mastectomy, which according to his research, was ideal for localized cancers like Rosmond’s.

A combination of radiation and surgery to remove cancer cells became the norm for cancer treatment.

In the 1970s, mammography was recommended as an early detection tool for high-risk patients. Early detection of a breast cancer symptom allows for targeted early breast cancer treatment that decreases the risk of death.

The first drug, tamoxifen, was approved for breast cancer treatment in 1978. Since then, many drugs have been developed to fight against breast cancer.

Other Names for Treatment

Here are some known types of breast cancer:

  • Metastatic breast cancer
  • Ductal carcinoma
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Lobular carcinoma
  • Triple-negative breast cancer

Adjunctive Therapies for Breast Cancer

Questions for your doctor

What are the 5 year survival rates?
What is my prognosis?
What are the potential side effects of treatment?
How long do you expect treatment to last?
What tests need to be done?

The Best 221 Integrative Cancer Treatment Centers for Breast Cancer

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