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Coffee Enema

A water enema is a standard procedure performed on people to relieve constipation or to prepare patients for specific surgeries. Recently, different types of enemas have gained in popularity, and one of these types is a coffee enema detox.

A coffee enema is a procedure that calls for the injection of room-temperature coffee into the rectum. Some believe that coffee enemas help remove toxins from the body, cleanse the liver, and strengthen the immune system.

How Coffee Enema works

What Research Says about Coffee Enema

Very little research supports the idea that coffee enemas are an effective way to cleanse the colon. The trend seems to have gained in popularity because of celebrity claims from celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Katy Perry, and coffee enema benefits seem to have been greatly exaggerated.

History of Coffee Enema

Many will be surprised to learn that using a coffee enema to detox the liver has been around for decades. Dr. Max Gerson first used it as an alternative treatment known as the Gerson therapy. He first used coffee enemas to treat his migraines.

In the 1930s, the Gerson therapy, which consisted of a diet regimen, supplements, and enemas, was used to treat tuberculosis and some types of cancer.

The Gerson institute believed that cancer developed when toxins overwhelmed the body and thought it was possible to restore the body by repairing the liver.

How To use Coffee Enema

A coffee enema is performed in the same way as a water enema, except a specialized enema coffee solution is used. This coffee enema solution is introduced into the rectum using enema tubing.

The coffee solution's caffeine is quickly absorbed when the enema coffee mixture reaches the rectum's interior. The caffeine will then travel to the portal vein, bringing the blood supply to the gallbladder and liver.

The caffeine and palmitic acid in the coffee enema immediately affect the liver. It acts as an irritant and causes the liver bile duct to open, thus allowing toxins to be released.

The caffeine will cause an increase in bile flow, and this increased bile flow promotes the release of accumulated poisons and toxins from the body. Essentially the coffee enema promotes a liver flush and evacuates the lower intestines.

Risks / Side Effects of Coffee Enema

As with any procedure, you should be aware of potential risks and side effects. Therefore, it’s best to always get medical advice before attempting a self-administered coffee enema. It is also wise to read the coffee enema instructions carefully.

Coffee enemas may be harmful if you are sensitive to caffeine. Therefore, you should check for any interaction with your medications.

Much like water enemas, coffee enemas can cause specific side effects. Colon cleansing might sound like it will help constipation or improve gut health, but this is not necessarily the case. This procedure can cause significant problems for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

A colon cleanse using a solution of purified water and ground coffee can cause rectal burns, sigmoid colon perforation, dehydration, vomiting, nausea, cramping, and possible infection. You must use a sterilized coffee enema kit.

Anti-Cancer Benefits of Coffee Enema

No scientific research supports using a coffee enema as an alternative to modern treatments for cancer. Some feel it can help relieve constipation, but there are safer ways to relieve it, such as dietary changes and laxatives.

Frequently asked questions about Coffee Enema

Can you do two coffee enemas in a day?
When is the best time of day to do a coffee enema?
What is the best body position to have a coffee enema?
What should I expect after a coffee enema?
What do I need for a coffee enema?

Questions for your doctor about Coffee Enema

Do I have any health problems that a coffee enema would worsen?

The Best 19 Integrative Cancer Treatment Centers that offer Coffee Enema

References of Coffee Enema

  • Clinical effects of colonic cleansing for general health promotion: a systematic review - PubMed (