Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Alternative Therapies

In this video, Akitsugu Moriyama spends about 13 minutes speaking on "Alternative Therapies" at the 29th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


You'll thank goombah. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, that's another way, Moriyama, this. My name is Moriyama.

The Congo. They need to cure gay men or conventional? No. Or will they close their eyes? I.

We made honor and privilege to be here today at twenty ninth cancer convention in this space.

As a representative of Cancer Control Society Japan mother GUNGUN come coming all day, daddy. All wanting me to get picked up. Hey, you got an all or. Yes, I'm just gonna convert or take your stuff together. I kinda will be.

I'd like to extend my great thanks and respect to all Steph's doctors and participants to support this convention.

Now looks no thank you. Kunin Lodi, Duhok, going to get a mighty Suncoast, thank you much.

I have been partisan beating this Kasser convention in Tijuana. Clinic tours every year since 1990 when they had their 18th cancer conventions.

Well, there's no political mas's Hungarians. You meant that you always have.

But I'd like to tell you the reason why I started participating this convention.

And these youths hung them. Miney thanks. You are puppetland in some Hodkinson D'Orazio deals. How does an all Aliabadi Tiny's?

Three years ago I was inspired by the work of Roger rillion there discover a panther tannic acid another Loubna then I published them on all the ones I've got on anaesthetized.

Good idea.

I'll say to people that your body is built with what to eat and nothing else, and those ideals have a subtle message.

You are clear that this is to stop. The message was. And the pain that can your what was put on the public dole Kuroshio.

It is food and your heart makes your body condition good or bad.

Kind of unusual, not vertical at all. Stick it up.

How do you fully forget your genes, your genes, and eating right and having good stress means having a great life?

Okanogan to done suitable. Don't all the love.

He hoped everybody to know this possibility.

Your modesty. Can you get a lot of them? Any Youngjun them? I go to the food court has been my son.

Japan economy has grown rapidly from 40 years ago, and a lifestyle changed rapidly to Sanju.

And am I gonna do this?

I could tell none of the new anything you most fast food business were imported from the US 30 years ago, and there are great risks it in the business.

You know, I got to see Valya post Malloy's cooking.

You know, it has been my son 20 years ago, a traditional diet became no longer popular foisted on them.

You'll not capitulate, AGO's.


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