Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Alternative Therapies, Cancer

In this video, Robert Wright spends about 23 minutes speaking on "Alternative Therapies, Cancer" at the 42nd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Thank you for staying. I do not have a PowerPoint, so you gonna see me all over the place here and I don't do that on purpose. And the reason is that as best I can with this lighting, I want to look at you. And believe it or not, I know I'm 64, but I want you to look at me, too. And I want you to know that I'm telling you the truth.

Truth is very important to me and our organization. There's too little of it today, especially when it comes to medicine. So what I will tell you today is the truth. And I want to say the truth as I know it. But we do a lot of research. We don't recommend anything that we haven't researched. And in regards to Mark, who was just on here, a lot of great information and great ideas and we appreciate that. I can tell you that when we recommend anything, it's it's because we've really, really looked into it. You know, my mom rest her soul. Thought that she could smoke three packs of cigarets a day, drink eight pots of coffee and then fill her other hand with synthetic vitamins from Safeway to balance it all out. You know, it doesn't work that way. So I caution you, whenever you buy any kind of supplements, anything that is an additive dear to your daily diet or to a cancer regimen or anti cancer regimen. Choose wisely. Know what's inside.

We do recommend vitamin D three. And we know that seventy seven percent of all cancers are basically halted. If you have enough DS3 in your body, if you add iodine to that, it probably goes up to 85 percent. And by the way, we always teach what prevents heals and what heals prevents. And it makes perfect sense. We see today that so many people I would I just want to touch on a few things before I get into the meat of it, I know I don't have a lot of time, and I give great thanks to my good friend Ty Bolinger, because how many of you heard his his on Saturday morning?

He opened it up for us.

His 30 minutes took care of most of the first hour of what I usually do. I usually do about two and a half hours, so I'm thankful for that. And so I'm not gonna get into all the details and all kinds of things about cancer and politics and history, because I simply don't want to do that. But I want to touch on a few things because, Dr. Mark, did we have so


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