Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Anti-Cancer Nutrients

In this video, Richard Huemer spends about 28 minutes speaking on "Anti-Cancer Nutrients" at the 30th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Richard Huemer


Thank you, Frank. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming today. I'm going to talk about some anticancer nutrients, sir. Certainly not all of them. Because if I talked about all of them, we'd be here all afternoon. And you have other important things to listen to. I'm going to start out by just mentioning that cancer controlling cancer, remaining free of remaining free of disease, preventing problems all requires a holistic approach, an integrated approach. Nutrition is just one part of it, but that's the only part we're going to talk about today. Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet. Dr. Dr. Mary Man. The Irishman, Jonathan Swift, said it many years ago and said it best thing. We're going to focus on Dr. Diet and at that, just a few nutrients that are relevant. That, by the way, as our high desert out in Lancaster and the poppy season.

Cancer is a complex process involving an integrated battle and ongoing battle, a tug of war between the host and the cancer.

It's not as we're used to an invasion of the body by a foreign element for which you need to call out nuclear weapons. I think that kind of thinking is falling away and cancer is being more and more understood as a biological process. Some of the cancers weapons are simplification of the patterns on the cell surfaces to evade action by the immune system and the actual suppression of the immune system itself.

Cancers also cause blood vessels to grow into them. The promotion of angiogenesis, if you want the technical term for that, cancer cells don't get along very well, very socially with their neighbors. The normal cells grow it in. A tissue culture will come together and stop growing when they when they touch cancer cells, pile up all over each other, they've they've lost the power of contact inhibition. And that was along with the lack of ability to send signals back and forth regulatory signals. Defenses are the immune system. As Frank mentioned, the immune system began to be recognized as important by the establishment. Interestingly enough, as long ago as 30 years ago, but it took on time. Word filtered down. Detoxification is another defense. The antioxidant defenses, which I'm going to spend a little time on this morning, and the transmission of messages among cells and of course, repair mechanisms so that what we wanted with nutrition in nutrition impacts all of those host defenses.

And what we want to do with nutrition is to is to tip the balance in this tug of war and feed the host. There is a lot of evidence that nutrition can prevent cancer. Certain nutritional

Plant Nutrition

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