Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Cancer, Fungus, Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy

In this video, Tullio Simoncini spends about 29 minutes speaking on "Cancer, Fungus, Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy" at the 46th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Tullio Simoncini

TULLIO SIMONCINI, M.D. received his Degree in 1976 from La Sapienza University, Rome Italy, majoring in Surgery. He followed this with specialized studies in Diabetes and Metabolic Illnesses at the Sacro Cuore University, also in Rome, in 1983. In 1996 Dr. Simoncini received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from La Sapienza University. From 2000 to 2004 he devoted his focus to Oncology, also at La Sapienza University.

Throughout his medical career, Dr. Simoncini pursued his personal theories regarding cancer. His first terminal patient, who went into remission in 1981, is still alive and well today.

Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. He has been developing techniques aimed at eradicating the fungus utilizing sodium bicarbonate.

Because of his unorthodox approach, Dr. Simoncini has been disbarred from the Italian Medical Order, and at the same time he has endured a massive, concerted attack by the Italian media, promoted by the Italian Medical Establishment. Despite these obstacles, Dr. Simoncini has managed to advance his theories at medical conferences in Italy and abroad. Among the venues where he has presented are the International Oncology Convention, Treviso, Italy (2000); Convention on Holistic Medicine in Oncology, Udine, Italy (2006); International Anti-Aging Convention, Paris, France (2008) and the Convention on Natural Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona (2008).

Dr. Simoncini is the author of Cancer Is A Fungus, a book in which he details both his theory and different protocols for different tumor types.

He may be contacted in Rome, Italy by his website and e-mail [email protected].


Thank you, guys. Yes. Justin. Hello, good morning, everybody. So I present myself.

Do I am? This is my title. Yes. Oh, yes.

They made meals, professor in South and South America. My lecture is canceled as a phone was. That means that everything we talk about cancer, in my opinion, is not true. The cause of cancer is a fungus, is an infection. So what is a cancer today, nobody can can give an answer. And this is an acceptable after one under these researches, the end of last century. The theory on cancer, the cell becomes become mad. They invade the Oregon is the chromo chromosomes of damage. This is it. Just all the story. Nothing to do with a cancer.

This is the same litany that. Doesn't lead anywhere. It takes about 100 years that a scientist made experimentation investigation with no results at all.

So we've got we cannot hide. If we don't know the cause, the subject of a theory, the theory is false.

We cannot continue to say the same thing without a subject.

So everybody can say whatever he wants as a girl was used to say in the night, all the cows as Blake. So everybody can say everything. But we have to find the subject. I give a subject and a treatment. Therapy results. Then all he promises millions of works with no sense. All misunderstandings and lies and all the people, they think that this is something that we are. We have the. The people are considered like that to look like a cow with a ring on the nose, they can say whatever you want. That's what that's because we have no reaction. We are like sheeps.

They say madness of the sales. Everybody matters of the sale diet.

Think positive old stupidities. But with no subjects. Stan, what is that? Cancer. Is not an interesting Lawlor phenomenon. Something different. The phone goes is the connecting point between the cells and the animals. So we have to study the cancer on both fields of researches, animals and the laboratory. The only the laboratory is not enough of physical oncology is based on Wallack or arteries. You know, so complicated that as useless when something is too complicated. It is false. The simplicity is the key of understanding the science, in my opinion, on good genes and XYZ molecules or receptors, empty words. We can we can say millions of these these substances matter with no result. Leading is with no sense. In my opinion. Oncology's is dead because there are there are no results. So it is your urging to change your paradigmatic refuse. Now they two orien cancer effused. The way to do research is now

Sodium Bicarbonate

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