Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Carnivora, Poly-MVA

In this video, Antonio Jimenez spends about 35 minutes speaking on "Carnivora, Poly-MVA" at the 28th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D., N.D., is the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of the world-renowned Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers, a leading name in integrative oncology with two first-class locations in Tijuana and Cancun, Mexico. Established in 2000, Hope4Cancer’s Tijuana treatment center is a certified inpatient hospital and official member of the Baja California Hospitals Association, while Hope4Cancer’s Cancun treatment center (founded in 2015) serves outpatients in one of the world’s premier medical tourism destinations.

For over 25 years, Dr. Jimenez has dedicated his life to the study, clinical research, and implementation of non-toxic and integrative strategies to treat cancer, chronic infections, and immune disorders. Today, he is one of the most trusted voices in the world of integrative cancer therapy. His credentials include an MD from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara Faculty of Medicine in Mexico and an ND from the Trinity School of Natural Health in Indiana, USA, as well as a medical license in Spain.

Among his most significant innovations, Dr. Jimenez developed and coined the 7 Key Principles of Cancer Therapy™, a revolutionary framework for healing that, since the 1990’s, has formed the basis of all his integrative protocols. Applied with a diverse toolkit of non-toxic treatments, including Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT) and several biological immunotherapies, these principles are the foundation for a comprehensive healing program that targets both the cancer and the biological terrain that causes and feeds its growth. Standing the test of time, these principles are consistent with scientific concepts developed in later years, such as the 10 (Biological) Hallmarks of Cancer and the 4 Physical Traits of Cancer, that validate the ideas of systems biology and the complex tumor microenvironment.

Known for his active involvement in the education of his medical staff, including over 25 MD physicians, oncologists, and interventional radiologists, Dr. Jimenez is an avid educator who shares his wisdom with professional, patient and general interest audiences across the world. In 2020, he launched a free, biweekly webinar series, through which he educates global audiences on wide-ranging healing topics for the body, mind, and spirit. His dedication to learning, training, and researching new approaches for treating cancer has brought him to more than 70 countries, where he has been featured as a guest speaker in various online symposiums, conferences, docuseries, interviews, and documentaries. His work has been published in several peer-reviewed articles, and his desire to learn and innovate is reflected in his active support and participation in patient-focused, in-house research and development work.

Some of Dr. Jimenez’ most notable appearances include Fran Drescher’s Cancer Schmancer Health Summits (2016-2020), the Ask Dr. Nandi show, and The Truth About Cancer Live Symposiums (2016, 2017) and docuseries: Quest for the Cures: Final Chapter (2021), Eastern Medicine – Journey Through Asia (2019), The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest (2015) and The Quest for the Cures … Continues (2014).

A Diplomat of and Board Certified in Bioregulatory Medicine by the British


Thank you, Frank. And thank you to the Cancer Control Society for having me here this evening.

You're all welcome. Buona noces.

I have exciting news. Before we get into the brief lecture, we have 30 minutes. The exciting news is I also spoke with Dr. Keller this morning. And at Hope4Cancer Institute in Tijuana, Mexico, we are opening a department of division for Carnivora treatment and continuing clinical research.

So that is going to be inaugurated in the next week or so after he's finished with the Ireland Clinic.

Carnivora - The Venus Fly Trap

Hope4Cancer Institute is integrating multiple treatment modalities in a comprehensive non-toxic anti-cancer program. We're going to begin the talk this evening with a video from Steven Seagal talking a little bit about Carnivora.

I was asked by Dr. Helen Keller to talk a little bit of what kind of work I've been a biologist and someone I studied herbs in Asia and the Orient and all over the world for many, many years.

I was particularly interested in Carnivora, because it's a very interesting compound that's really not toxic. It has many of compounds that either deal with; killing virus, bacteria, candida and so forth and so on.

And so it's something that I think has been very, very therapeutic for treating cancers and different viral conditions, personal conditions can be important as well.

I am very interested in this for a lot of the people that I know that are suffering with these different maladies. I have my own farm now, we're growing thousands and thousands of acres of herbs that I'll be using in different areas to help people who are sick and definitely some carnivora. One of the most important aspects of my new farm, which is to be dedicated to easing the suffering of many people. I would highly suggest anybody who is interested in compounds that are basically non-toxic for treatment of many of the different diseases that are mentioned earlier to investigate the kind of oral... Probably through Helen Keller, because she seems.....

Okay. The importance of this is that we know how contaminated our soil is, we don't have to get into discussion with that. So having this work done by someone who's a herbologist and qualified to have quality control and proper growth of the venus flytrap, we're able to assure each of us that we're getting a product that is natural and without contaminants.

The treatment philosophy at Hope4Cancer Institute focuses on these points. One is to balance the pH. The second one is to provide oxygenation as we know that cancer cells thrive in low oxygen and acidic environments. Also, detoxification

Venus Flytrap

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