Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Donation Request

In this video, Frank Cousineau spends about 11 minutes speaking on "Donation Request" at the 43rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


There are items that you can do that you can get if you make a donation to the Cancer Control Society. And that's one of the main main reasons we have this little time slot here. Some things you can get in return at no additional cost to you. I think most everybody here. Sees advertising on television. Everywhere you look, there's either pink ribbons, pink hair, I know, in the so-called Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Even the male employees and some of the hotels paint their hair pink. There's the run for cure, race for Cure, right for cure or swim for cure? Fly for cure.

There's even a gigantic charity that raised a gazillion dollars by dumping ice over themselves. And going viral on YouTube and everywhere else. And my question to you is, what do those organizations provide in value? To the people with those conditions, whether it's a cancer patient or some other disease, what do they offer them? A check and a check up. Wear the pink ribbon. What good does that do the the patient? And what are most of these organizations, do they raise money? To turn around and raise more money. They continually raise money to raise money. And what I believe is a very of just very basic fundamental level. The mission of the Cancer Control Society is to provide real solutions for real patients. Right now. Not five years, 10 years, 20 years in the future or never. Not to fund some esoteric research, again, that may help a patient five, 10, 15, 20 years from now or never. But to help real cancer patients with cancer, with real solutions right now. And so what we're asking you to do this afternoon is to.

Take a look at this. I think we have some some of our our CPS workers with buckets where we ask you if you want if you if you're not in that category where you can put up the thousand dollars or the 5000 or the ten thousand, whatever you can put, drop it in the bucket. It's better if it's paper like dollar bills rather than coins, because coins make noise and distract the other people.

But if you have a donation that you can give us or if you look at this, you can see the various levels. For instance, if you donate a thousand dollars, you get two thousand dollars worth of credit at some of the hospitals in Tijuana. Another thing, if you give a thousand dollars, we'll give you a set of the DVD and you can get a five hundred dollar credit for three bottles, poly MBA and for every

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