Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Early Cancer Detection

In this video, Jenny Hrbacek spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Early Cancer Detection" at the 43rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Jenny Hrbacek

JENNY HRBACEK, R.N., Author, set out on a life changing journey when she was diagnose with breast cancer in 2009. Today, she works with cancer patients offering them guidance, empowerment through knowledge, and real hope for a better outcome.

She is the author of a new book titled Cancer Free! Are you SURE? The book is a result of several years of research into early diagnostic testing that can find cancer years before conventional screening finds it with a lump or bump. Jenny’s book details these tests that can detect cancer years before it is typically picked up by a mammogram, PSA count, or PET scan. She tells you how to detect cancer far earlier, in time to prevent a full-blown diagnosis. She also tells you how to reduce the risk of a recurrence of cancer, and what options exist for treatment in addition to the standard surgery/chemo/radiation. This is information most doctors do not volunteer to patients.

Jenny Hrbacek is fast becoming a sought-after speaker. She spoke at 2013 and 2014 International Association of Integrative Oncology Physicians Public Day, the 2014 Integrative Health Conference, as well as radio interviews such as “The Wisdom Show,” “Healthy By Nature,” and “Blog talk radio with Dr. Jeanette Gallagher.”

Jenny is a Registered Nurse, and lives in Sugar Land, Texas. She is active in community and charitable organizations. She spent several years serving as a board member for “Reconstruction of a Survivor,” a faith based organization that provides cancer support group sessions throughout the Houston metropolitan area.

Contact her at websites www. and join the growing movement for earlier cancer detection at


I hope you all are having a great weekend, and I appreciate you stand around to the end because sometimes the best is saved for last, right? Okay. My name is Jenny. Her Bacik and I am a registered nurse. But with that said, I haven't practiced nursing in about 20 years and I was not in oncology. I was a neonatal nurse. So when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2009, I knew nothing about cancer. I was just like most of you out here were, which were just I was blindsided. I put my diagnosis on there so you can see that I was basically really shocked that I had cancer. I had a one point nine centimeter tumor that was found just palpable. And during my journey, I found out. I started asking a lot of questions because I'm one of these people that ask a lot of questions, evidently, and the doctors don't necessarily like that. But every doctor I asked, I kept saying, well, how long have I had this cancer? And everyone told me seven to eight years. Some said eight to 10 years. And I thought, my goodness, I go to the doctor every year. I get my bloodwork, I have my pap smear, I get my regular checkup and everything's fine. My cholesterol is good. My sugar is good, everything's good. But now I have cancer and it's terrible cancer. And I have to be Wisden for all these therapies. But you have to understand, I was a nurse. I didn't know what you guys know. I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Frank and all the people with Cancer Control Society at that time. So my thought process was very different than what it is today. In fact, I had two plastic surgeons actually bidding on who would do my surgery because I thought that if I got the cancer out and I got it out, I wanted it out as fast as possible. If you've ever been diagnosed with cancer, that is a very common reaction people get. They wanted out and they wanted out immediately. Because you think that by getting that tumor out, you're going to get rid of the cancer. I actually had two surgeons. I said, who ever can do it the fastest gets the job. But what I didn't understand was all I did was keep the cancer from coming back in that tissue that went in the trash can. I did nothing to to keep myself really being cancer free. After that, I ended up with one lymph node positive. I did four rounds of chemotherapy. It was just it was a terrible, terrible

Early Detection

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