Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Medicinal Mushrooms, Cancer

In this video, Mark Kaylor spends about 29 minutes speaking on "Medicinal Mushrooms, Cancer" at the 31st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Mark Kaylor

MARK KAYLOR, M.H., C.N., Ph.D. received his M.H. as a Master Herbalist through 5 certification programs, his C.N. through the Nine Institute for Nutritional Education Correspondence and his Ph.D. in Sociology of Change & Healing from University of Oregon in Eugene.

Dr. Kaylor is a lifelong student of Healing as a ”path” – a way of living. With a diverse background of study that led him from a more conventional education to exploring Traditional Medicine (including American Indian, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shamanistic) and Holistic Healing. Mark has developed an Eclectic Approach to health and healing. His travels have led him from the Amazonian rain forest to the Cherokee reservation.

In his role as an educator and healer, Mark works passionately to encourage individuals to empower themselves and to discover their own path to radiant health. He has worked and consulted in the Natural Foods Industry for well over 30 years as a leading holistic health educator, formulator, radio show host/guest, and author. You can catch him frequently on health talk radio and also visit his informational website: or on Facebook at:


It took I'd like to thank everybody for coming. It sounds OK, but go with me.

I'm going to be talking about medicinal mushrooms and cancer. This is a very, very large topic. We could talk about any one of these mushrooms probably for a couple of hours. So, unfortunately, like probably most of the previous speakers, we're going to have to hurry through a lot of material. My goal in this process is really going to be to try to pique your interest in exploring the possibility and potential healing, give some medicinal mushrooms. As you see, as we get into it. There's a really wide range of applications that are available to us as we look at these medicinal mushrooms. Mushrooms have been used around the world by many, many cultures, if not all cultures for a variety of applications. Unfortunately, in the West, we tend to think of them as a topping for our salads or something that goes on our pizza. Hopefully, at the end of this half-hour, you'll start to think that medicinal mushrooms may be wonderful therapies to use tonics and medicines to add just to your daily support and lifestyle. And we're going to go from there. So, again, I apologize for having to hurry through this whole thing, but believe it or not, a huge amount of research on some of these medicinal mushrooms. And we'll get into some of them specifically. If you want to know more, please come by and talk to me at the booth afterward. Certainly, we can give you some more references and there's a lot out there. Before you get into talking about medicinal mushrooms as a whole, we really have to set the stage for why I think medicinal mushrooms are so good. And I think really the key to understanding chronic diseases and then the healing process associated with any chronic disease. And this is certainly coming from my practice. So I'm not trying to give you the absolute truth here, but the tendency is, particularly in the West, just to look at the body into smaller and smaller parts. You know, somebody if they have cancer, they talk about liver cancer and they isolate the liver as if it's separate from rest of the body. They'll talk about circulatory conditions. They'll talk about problems within the lymphatic system. All these things tend to separate the body more and more. And what I propose in the way I work when I work with individuals. So I work in a very holistic manner. And I think it's very, very important. And I would argue almost essential goal in approaching any of these chronic diseases and


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