Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor


In this video, Dennis Hooper spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Mycotoxins" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Dennis Hooper

DENNIS HOOPER, M.D., Ph.D. graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1973, with an M.S. Degree in Microbiology and from the University of California, Davis, in 1982, with a Ph.D. in Microbiology followed by his M.D. Degree from the University of Nevada, Reno, in 1983. Dr. Hooper then completed an Internship in Flexible Medicine in 1984 and a Residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology in 1988 from the United States Naval Hospital, San Diego, California and later received Board Certification in Anatomical and Clinical Pathology.

Dr. Hooper retired as a Navy Captain with a rank of 0-6 in 2001. During his tenure in the Navy, he was involved in Research, Clinical Immunology, Pathology, Microbiology and related consulting work. He served as Chairman of Pathology at the Naval Hospital in San Diego for 6 years and also held the positions of Ancillary Services Director as well as Specialty Advisor to the Navy Surgeon General.

Dr. Hooper is presently the Senior Member of RealTime Laboratories, LLC and Medical Services Consultation International, LLC, in Dallas, Texas. The Laboratory was established in 2004 and is devoted to the study and testing of mycotoxins and toxic fungi that produce the toxins. RealTime polymerase chain reaction is used to rapidly detect the DNA from toxic fungi found in environments. These molds and toxins are isolated in human tissue and body fluids. Dr. Hooper recently published some of his work in a publication dated April 1, 2009; Mycotoxin Detection in Human Samples from Patients Exposed to Environmental Molds, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2009, 10, 1465-1475.

Dr. Hooper may be contacted by phone 972-243-7754, website and e-mail [email protected].


Glad to be here. My name's Doug Hoffman and I am the executive director of Normy, which is the National Organization of RPR mediators and Mold Inspectors, and we deal with environmental issues. I was a builder for 30 years. I tell people I used to build unhealthy homes and I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to build healthy homes because our environments are extremely important to us and we want to live in homes that are biologically clean, healthy and homes that we can live and not get sick. There are three things that I know about environmental issues. One is that hospital acquired illnesses are on the rise. Oh, you have to do is read about nosocomial infections and you'll find out that going to a healthy can be to go into a hospital can be one of the most unhealthy things that you can do in this environment. The other thing I know is, is that a lot of people go to get well to their doctor and take whatever it is that their doctor tells them to take and then they get go home back to the very environment that's making them sick, because a lot of the times people are actually reacting to their environments.

And there are some symptoms that they're showing as a result of that unhealthy environment. The third thing I know is that there is a causal relationship, a causal link between the environment that's growing in us, the environment that's living inside of us, and the environment in which we live. And one of the reasons why I'm really excited to be here with Dr. Whooper is because I met him several months ago and he deals with the mycotoxins produced by molds that can be found in your bodies.

And this causal link, me dealing with the environment and him dealing with the body, just seems like a really perfect match. So I'm really proud to be able to introduce to you Dr. Dennis Hooper, who is an M.D. P HD. He's the medical director for Real-Time Laboratories. I think you'll find what he has to say about mycotoxins in your body. Extremely interesting. So please welcome Dr. Whooper.

Thank you, Doug. You can all hear this. It's on now. The picture in the book on me and give me my bio. I've had a couple of comments on saying that I look like a priest. So those of you who fall asleep at my lecture, I'm going to be like the pastor or the priest. And point to you. Thank you very much for inviting me. I'm going to talk about the hidden truths


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