Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Natural Therapies, Prostate Cancer

In this video, Jesse Stoff spends about 24 minutes speaking on "Natural Therapies, Prostate Cancer" at the 29th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Jesse Stoff

JESSE STOFF, M.D. received his B.A. Degree in Biology and graduated cum laude with honors from Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. He received his M.D. Degree from New York Medical College in Vahalla, New York in 1981. Dr. Stoff then completed a Fellowship in Clinical Medicine at the Bloomsbury Medical Authority in London, England, and he studied Homeopathy at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London, England in 1983.

Currently, Dr. Stoff is involved with many professional activities including serving as the Medical Director for Immune Consultants in Tucson, Arizona. As a member of the Clinical Nutrition Board of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, he is designing treatment protocols for cancer immunology and immune reconstitution.

He has authored numerous articles and books including co-authoring Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Epidemic. His latest best seller with Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D., The Prostate Miracle – New Natural Therapies That Can Save Your Life!, show you how diet and supplements can safely and dramatically reduce high PSA levels. These supplements include: PC SPES, Selenium, Lycopene, AIDBCWE, CoQ-10, Shark Liver Oil, High Lignan Flax Oil, Food State Multivitamins/Minerals, Plant Sterols/Sterolins, Cernitin Flower Pollen Extract, Natural Killer Cell Support Complex and Modified Citrus Pectin. Dr. Stoff also reveals the role of Enzymes, Chinese Herbs and Detoxification to boost the immune system and enhance cancer-fighting power.

Patrick Quillin, Ph.D., Vice President of Nutrition, Cancer Treatment Center of America in his foreword to Prostate Miracle stated, “After 18 years of clinical practice, most of Dr. Stoff’s prostate cancer patients are still alive.”

Dr. Stoff can be contacted in Tucson, Arizona by phone (520) 884-1711 or fax (520) 881-0834.


Thank you.

Thank you. Today, I'm going to talk.

Very briefly about the concept of immune reconstitution, immune reconstitution is the process of restoring the immunological imperatives, the immune system, the ability to recognize a problem, to respond against that problem and to remember what it did. So a problem doesn't come back.

Tom Hodge from the Centers for Disease Control is quoted as saying that every severe and chronic disease has as its basis, it is function of the immune system. Cancer, perhaps, is the best example of the degree to which immune dysfunction can lead to a Devore's potentially devastating disease and a whole group of them. Today, I'm going to talk using prostate cancer as an example because it's a relatively easy cancer to work with from an algorithm point of view and way to outline some of these basic concepts. These algorithms even find it a expander form in the book. I recently wrote The Prostate Miracle, unless there's still a few copies available.

The perspective that I take starts by working with the patient patient is a patient centered approach, has an approach where I ask lots and lots of questions. The bottom line question is why did this gentleman get this disease at this time?

I asking questions and trying to deep to deeper and deeper levels.

I could begin to come up with answers as to why the person's immune system failed. That will give me an individualized treatment program to help stop and reverse disease process.

The first step is to ask the question of what is the cancer doing? In the case of prostate cancer, there are many ways to answer this question. As in all cancers, I try to get a side of pathology report. The sort of pathology looks at different kinds of cell receptors.

If available, for example, in breast cancer, we're looking at estrogen and progesterone receptors and prostate D receptors a little bit less to find. But nevertheless there there p53 oncogene is looking for the DNA index DNA plenty to give an idea what the cancer is trying to do, but what kind of weaknesses it may have and ways it can begin to intervene on a biochemical level even before off. So to restore the immune system. The point is they'd like to find a way to slow the cancer down and buy me time.

Hormonal therapy in most cases of prostate cancer is an extremely effective approach for slowing the cancer down. One of the ways I like to do this that's that has the least amount of toxicity is to use a verbal formulation called p.c Spazz.

P._c.s Spade's is of course

Prostate Cancer

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