Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Pet Food, Cancer

In this video, Meg Smart DVM spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Pet Food, Cancer" at the 41st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Meg Smart DVM

MEG SMART DVM, PhD received her DVM from the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, Canada, in 1968. In 1978, after receiving a Medical Research Fellowship she took an educational leave from her faculty position at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatchewan, Canada, to do her PhD in trace mineral metabolism and the effect of water quality in beef cattle (University of Saskatchewan, Canada). Ten thousand liver biopsies later, and with her thesis completed, in 1984, she returned to her faculty position.

In 1994, she started one of the first Companion Animal Nutrition optional courses for final year veterinary students in North America and continues to teach Companion Animal Nutrition to this day.

Dr. Smart is an invited author for several holistic pet magazines, and co-author — along with Elizabeth Hodgkins DVM and Michael Fox DVM, PhD — of the book Not Fit For A Dog: The Truth About Manufactured Cat And Dog Food. She was interviewed for several articles on the state of pet nutrition and appeared as a nutrition expert in the Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation documentary Pet Food A Dog’s Breakfast. (on Pet Food A Dog’s Breakfast CBC Doc Zone)

Online, Dr. Smart can be found blogging at The Amazing Goat Blog, and Pet Nutrition by Smart. She has given nutrition workshops and rounds, by invitation on the Veterinary Information Network.

She has taught Veterinary Pathology, Clinical Pathology, and Large Animal Medicine, with each path she took always leading her back to nutrition and its critical role in wellness. Her teaching philosophy is to make the students think critically about Nutrition and to encourage them to make informed decisions about Nutrition, whether investigating Conventional or Alternative Options.

Dr. Smart may be contacted by phone 306-966-7100 and e-mail [email protected].


Thank you. Thank you very much. Yes. You notice I change the name on my talk to carcinogens and modern pet food and cancer. The reason why I did that was because I'm an academic and I'm always changing my mind as I tell the students I say and what I tell you today about nutrition. I may be telling me the opposite tomorrow, that disturbed students quite a lot because students like black and white, they don't like shades of green. Nutrition is ever changing. Shades of gray. And also PowerPoint presentations. One time I read that there there the weakness of PowerPoint presentations are done by people with weak prefrontal cortex, as I didn't know what that meant, but it worried me.

So anyway, you're lucky I am giving you a PowerPoint presentation. But anyway, the key sessions in the stop, the key things I'm going to discuss are defining modern petfood. What is Martin Petfood? Most people think of it as cable, but I'll I'll change their minds a little bit. The correlation between diet and cancer, the potential sources of carcinogens and in pet food, there's lots of potential sources there. We talk about food as generally recognized as safe. Like we put ingredients in pet foods that are generally recognized as safe and they probably are safe for the majority of pets that are eating it. But how do we know that some pets are genetically predisposed to their cellular composition is such that they're going to have some problems with this food, even though it's generally recognized as safe for most animals and also making an informed decision? We, the multinationals, really are in some respects aren't responsible for the fact that they've taken over the world. We've allowed them to do that by saying we want cheap food and this is the result of this cheap food. What's happening is that they've taken over. They've go down to the care of the tropical countries. They take they take the food from the people there, pay them cash, and then not very much cash anyway. But anyway, so we're we're we're sort of responsible for them taking over our food supply. My background, I'm a veterinarian, a nutritionist and an academic. And I gather you don't see too many university professors come in to talk. I know I go to Holistic Back Conference, and I'm one of the very few academic professors teaching veterinary medicine that actually show up. But I love going to those conferences because they give you such a diverse view of things. And I would love to be able to go back to my colleges colleagues in oncology and say,


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