Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Plant Extracts, Prostate Cancer

In this video, John Hall spends about 23 minutes speaking on "Plant Extracts, Prostate Cancer" at the 33rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About John Hall

JOHN HALL, Ph.D. completed his undergraduate studies at Columbia University, New York City with a B.S. Degree in Organic Chemistry. He was a Graduate Fellow at Princeton University, New Jersey working within the Department of Biochemical Sciences and he completed his Ph.D. Degree at New York University, New York City in the Department of Biochemistry. Dr. Hall was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Dr. David Luck's Laboratory at Rockefeller University, New York City researching Cell Biology. He was promoted to the Faculty at Rockefeller in 1989, where his research focused on the microtubule-based mechanisms of cell motility and cell division and the connection between cell motility and cancer. Dr. Hall has served as an Executive and as a Consultant in the Biotechnology Industry and is currently the Director of Research at Natural Source International, Ltd in New York City, which specializes in the Beljanski Products. He may be reached through the Company by phone 212-308-7066, e-mail [email protected] and website


Thank you very much.

I first would like to thank the Cancer Control Society for the invitation and specifically mentioned Frank Cousineau has been very supportive and helpful.

I also want to thank. I also want to thank everyone who has visited our booth, which is in the large room on the lower level and invite any of you haven't yet made it to come over and visit us. Our company recently introduced a new product called Profitable, which you see on the slide there. And as the name suggests, it's meant to promote. It was designed to promote prostate health.

And I think if there's just one quick take home, I can put it the front of this talk. I think this product is unique because of the quantity and quality of the science behind it. And also because of the complete lack of side effects associated with its use.

It is actually made from two extracts of the plants you see to the left and right there.

And what I want to do is give you some background information on how these extracts were discovered and how they came to be used to tell that story.

I need to tell you about the scientist, miracle Belgian skier that Frank just mentioned was actually born in Yugoslavia, but at a very young age. He traveled to France on a scholarship, was educated there, and subsequently joined the Pasteur Institute, where he spent most of his time in Paris. The bulk of his scientific career was at the Pasteur. There are many accomplishments associated with his work. He's under appreciated, and I think part of what's exciting for me is to help the process of the rediscovery of his important work.

And today, I want to lead off by referring to his theory of carcinogenesis. He had a unique and innovative theory which was based on damage by carcinogens to the secondary structure of the DNA, the secondary structures. I think everyone knows is the famous DNA double helix. There are two strands of polymers that wrap around each other and form this structure. It is stabilized by weak hydrogen bonds. And DNA is a funny molecule in the sense that if it's left alone, it can last a long time. It's actually a very stable molecule, this duplex. But in this cell, it's opened and closed many times and it's subjected to the attack of free radicals and carcinogens. And Bill, John Key believed that these events actually affect the hydrogen bonds and the stability of the structure itself. This is in contrast to the main stream carcinogenesis, the working carcinogenesis, which is involved, the idea that the primary structure of the DNA is changed in

Prostate Cancer

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