Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Superfoods, Cancer Therapy

In this video, Tony O'Donnell spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Superfoods, Cancer Therapy" at the 46th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Tony O'Donnell

TONY O’DONNELL N.D., Ph.D. was born into a family of 11 children in Donegal, Ireland. He lost his father to heart disease when he was 21 and 4 other members of his family (including his fiance) to cancer. These traumatic experiences motivated him to take charge of his own health and to help others lead healthier lives. Tony’s mission in life is to love, care, share and to help others understand what quality living is all about.

Tony graduated with a B.A. in Engineering from the University College in Galway, Ireland. Later, he studied at the British Homeopathic College in London, England and received 2 Degrees, one as a Certified Herbalist and the other as a Naturopath. He also received a Degree in Ireland as a Certified Nutritionist.

He came to the United States and became the Vice-President of a major nutritional corporation. Additionally, he has been the formulator of leading vitamin products. including the top seller Radiant Greens. He has also written articles on health for many publications and his first book called Miracle Superfoods That Heal has been recently updated. His latest books include Miracle Diabetes Secrets and Miracle Heart Health Secrets.

Tony O’Donnell, Ph.D. has a Masters and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a PhD. in addiction.

Dr. Tony O’Donnell can be contacted at his office in Agoura Hills, California by phone 818-575-7558 and website


My brother, now, my uncle, my cousin, all to heart disease and cancer, so I know what it's like, but it doesn't have to be incriminated in death sentence.

There's significant amount of research now that indicates that the consumption of plant based foods. Dr. Kadee, will go into that, provide tremendous.

Managing Cancer through Keeping up with your Health

Resolve as it relates to your health and bringing your health back in balance again. We know that the further away we get from the land, the second we become and the healthier we stay to the land, the healthier we become. So we get sick because of this. Biopsies. Osis, imbalance. Conflict. Forgiveness. Anger, resent. And I found this in my 60 years on the planet. I'm almost 60 years younger. I feel like a kid. I have found that women get breast cancer because of anger issues, unforgiveness, emotional issues.

So if we can let go of those and meditate and let go of things that hold you back from really becoming a powerful human being. So let's look at some of these things. One and two women and one in three men will develop cancer at some point in their lifetimes. What is cancer? We all know what that is. It is the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. And why does that happen in the first place? Happens because of Ding Dongs, donuts, Big Gulps, French fries, pizza, Pepsi, Prozac, GMO saturated fat. And of course, as a clinical psychologist, PTSD. I also know that emotions play a significant role and I've actually been watching that and research in it. And what's that trend over the last 25, 30 years? Normal cells follow an orderly path of growth, division and death. We call that apoptosis. Cancer cells continue to grow and divide lead into a mass of abnormal cells that grow out of control. We live in a society where we have an abundance of food. The problem is our food is really bad. We shouldn't have to worry about GMO. We shouldn't have to worry about pesticides, herbicides and insecticides and Monsanto and all these other evil companies. But unfortunately, our food is sprayed 50 million tons a year of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides are ingested by human beings. Real sad. Here's a drawing of a cancer cell. You can, Ceara, the normal cell right over there, a second night without drinking. Then about twelve, thirty one o'clock in the morning after French fries and a couple of beers and some whiskey. Couple of pizzas, some Viagra. And there's a tumor cell develops.

Laughter is the best medicine, truly, it really

Plant Nutrition

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