Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor


In this video, Gregory Melvin spends about 28 minutes speaking on "Thermography" at the 44th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Gregory Melvin

GREGORY MELVIN, D.C. received this Chiropractic Degree in 1977 from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles. He then went on to continue his education with over 300 hours of Spinal Column Stressology in Long Beach, California. After attending the International Academy of Clinical Thermology, he became the Thermography Reader for Thermal Vision in San Diego.

After he received his Chiropractic license from the California State Board in 1977, he immediately started practicing. In 1985 Dr. Melvin designed a patented spinal device for IVD stress. He is also the originator of Color Enhanced Radiology, with over 600 studies read. He reads thermal imaging and does reporting for over 30 technicians across the United States and trains and certifies other doctors and technicians on how to read and perform functional infrared, known as Integrated Thermography – “point of view of the body as a whole.”

Currently, Dr. Melvin is practicing at Total Thermal Imaging Wellness Center in La Mesa, California. He can be contacted by phone 619-303-5884 or website


For having me. Hello.

Great to be here. Thank you, Frank. Thank you, Lorraine, for and cancer control, allowing me to share this technology that sometime has an obscure point of view. What it does and what it doesn't do. So I hope to to clear the way the path. So then you understand it from a view that's accurate to thermography. So tomography. The new mammography, as you said, Frank, it it's interesting that I'm trying to equate it to such a device. Obviously, we're going to talk about how, in fact, inactive, how deficient mammography. Mammography has been. Let's take a look here. What is thermography? Well, first, you have to understand where the understanding of infrared came from. Basically, infrared is that invisible ray from the sun. That was discovered by William Herschel. And as you can see, the rainbow demonstrates this visual characteristics of the colored spectrum, identifying different wavelengths related to site. But as you can see with that colored spectrum of the rainbow that we were able to apply it to the body now. The first actual Thurm Graham produced was in 1840, and this was done 40 years later by John Herschel. And as you can see, the technology, how slow that this technology is until now. Now it's it's it's going quite rapidly. The first actual breast imaging was as far back is 1956 by Ray Larson demonstrated some of the initial features of using thermography as a means of identifying lesions related to breast cancer. So really not a new technology, but the technology has improved so significantly as of today. So, as you can see, thermography records, images using of his visual light rainbow's scale, which simply is a heat gradient scale. Basically, the highest temperatures are demonstrated as being white, lowest temperatures as black. And what we're the the premise is how well balanced are you from one side to the other, according to John Hopkins University, was found that anything more than point three degrees Celsius was considered a significant finding.

But I really think the first demographer who was hypocrisies. Now, what hypocrisies would do is apply a mud on the body and depending on what areas dried first or stayed moist was significant of a disorder related to that part of the body.

So as you conceive 480 B.C. that this is nothing really new, it just the instrumentation is just a little better. All right. I would say so. Who discovered that, of course, was someo. Are you not to. Who did this study at John Hopkins University. And this was way back in 1969. So what are we doing? We're comparing right to left.


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