Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Third Opinion

In this video, Frank Cousineau spends about 0 minutes speaking on "Third Opinion" at the 35th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.


Ladies and gentlemen, as I mentioned, the next part of the program is going to be very short. The topic of this is actually a third opinion, an alternative therapy centers directory. And my friend, cousin, no present Cancer Control Society and also present the cancer victims and friends. And I'm I'm here to talk about a book that was written by a good friend of mine, John Fink. In fact, occasionally people even say that we look alike. And I consider that certainly a compliment, because I think John is now a, you know, a good looking man, a handsome man, but a very talented writer. And just very briefly, he came to third opinion because very tragically, cancer struck his family, as it did most of us in here. And he had a daughter. The young daughter came down with cancer and he was an actor, Hollywood actor, living the good Hollywood life and discovered very quickly that that life is not conducive to health and certainly not to recovering from cancer. So he set out on a mission to find out how to help his daughter. First thing they did, they moved Santa Barbara. Very nice, beautiful area. And and she lived, I believe, for years and did very well during the majority of that time. But after after her passing, he developed a passion for giving out information and trying to help other people. He became involved with cancer, victors and friends. He's been a frequent speaker. Cancer Control Society. I was on the board of Governors National Health Federation for a number of years. But the really defining thing that he did was to do the research and put together third opinion. We hear about first opinion. That's when the doctor tells you have six months to live. You say, I want a second opinion. And he says, I think you only have four months. Well, Jon Faine came up with a directory that may give you six months, may give you 10 years, may give you 40 years, 50 years. And third opinion is is a is it says it's a directory alternative, an international resource guide to alternative therapies all over the world. And if you do nothing other than to go into the the table of contents. You will see that it lists. I get to it here. Treatment centers and these are treatment centers all over the world. And it gives you a brief history. There are a brief amount of information, it gives you the contact information, who the principal physicians are, the people that you need to contact, if you would like to get some more information. It lists

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