Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Toxic Dentistry

In this video, Hal Huggins spends about 23 minutes speaking on "Toxic Dentistry" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Hal Huggins

HAL HUGGINS, D.D.S., M.S. received his Dental Degree in 1962 from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. In 1973, he became involved in the study and research of mercury toxicity and it impact on human health. Through the course of these investigations, Dr. Huggins earned a Post Doctoral Masters of Science Degree from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 1989 with special emphasis in Toxicology and Immunology.

In 1983, Dr. Huggins began a full-time practice devoted to diagnosing and planning treatment for patients suffering from mercury toxicity. He became a Founder of the world renowned Huggins Diagnostic Center, a multidisciplinary Clinic combining Dentistry, Medicine, Nutrition, Psychology and other healing Therapies dedicated to the treatment of disease.

Dr. Huggins has published over 50 articles concerning nutrition, child growth and development and mercury toxicity, root canals and cavitations. He is also a prolific author including Why Raise Ugly Kids, It’s All In Your Head, Uninformed Consent, Solving the MS Mystery, Your Goose Isn’t Cooked—Yet!, Who Makes Your Hormones Hum? and the latest, It’s Right Under Your Nose.

Dr. Huggins is currently a Consultant in 3 countries at Multi-Disciplinary Dental Revision Centers that practice the Huggins Protocol for removing toxic dental materials and hidden infections in the mouth that challenge the immune system creating disease, fatigue and a myriad of health problems with their related symptoms.

Dr. Huggins may be contacted for consultation at his office located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, by phone 866-948-4638 and by website


I was just sitting here thinking they're going to be introducing me and I'm not sure what he's going to say because I was around enough mercury that I lost my hearing, my hearing aids pick up a lot of blood or which is kind of hard to understand. But I was thinking, how would I describe me as a born again in the dentist into darkness as one who does root canals.

I did amalgams for 11 years, and then I took him out for 11 years.

So when I face Saint Peter, I am going to say I came out even. And he's gonna say, but look what you did with root canals. So I can't die for another 20 years. I have to keep talking about root canals. And that's about what we're going to do today.

And I don't think there's anybody in this audience who knows less about computers than I do. I have sent one email in my life and it took six months to be delivered. And that's my claim to fame. Now, what are we going to talk about? We're going to talk about tooth. That's pretty exciting.

This is the enamel portion, the Ditton portion and the pulp chamber. And here's where we're going to spend some time in the pulp chamber all and there's one other thing here.

The periodontal ligament, see, teeth are not really attached directly to bone are fibers that come out of the tooth, fibers that come out of the bone. They intertwine and form a hammock. So when you bite down, you got a little knee action there.

OK, but this is where we're going to find a lot of our problems now with root canals.

We have several areas we're going to talk about pulp and chamber. Down here into the Ditton tubules. Now, what's going on at the end? And something that I did not know about when we made this slide. And that is the periodontal ligament.

But from the pulp chamber, which is where the pink area is. Out to the outside portion of the tooth here, there are little tiny tubules called dentin tubules.

And if we take a front tooth and hook them all together, they would amount to three and one half miles in length. Now, dentist say they're going to go in here and sterilize a tooth. They think they're gonna clean out three and a half miles of bacteria in here. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. What a dentist does is to sterilize a column of air in the middle of the tooth.

Big deal.

Now, there are a lot of what I call accessory canals


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