Cancer Doctor
Cancer Doctor

Toxic World

In this video, Sharyn Wynters spends about 22 minutes speaking on "Toxic World" at the 38th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society.

About Sharyn Wynters

SHARYN WYNTERS, N.D. received her Naturopath Degree in 1996 from the Clayton School of Natural Healing in Birmingham, Alabama. Sharyn has studied dozens of disciplines including Acupuncture, Metabolic Nutrition, Rolfing, Heller Work, Gestalt Therapy, Primal Therapy, Mind Dynamics, Breathwork, Pilates, Hypnosis, Vocal Bio Matrix, Sound Therapy, Emotional Release, Cranial Sacral, Reflexology, Myotherapy, Orthobiotomy, Fedenkrais and many others.

Over 30 years ago as a successful actress, Sharyn was diagnosed with cancer. Refusing to accept the medical profession's grim portrayal of her future, she enlisted the help of William Donald Kelly, D.D.S. After her recovery, she became his student. Her healing journey not only left her cancer-free, but also gave her a new passion. Today, as a Naturopathic Doctor, Motivational Speaker, author of 3 books and advocate of an internationally recognized program based on whole food nutrition and toxin-free living, Dr. Wynters is in a unique position to help thousands on the road to optimal health.

Dr. Wynters' 3 books include Regenerative Eating: A Live, Uncooked Cookbook Addressing the Deeper Issues of Health and Wellness and How To Be a Successful Thinker: Creating the Life of Your Dreams. Her latest book Survive! A Family Guide to Thriving in a Toxic World was co-authored with Burton Goldberg, known as the "Voice of Alternative Medicine" and Founder of Alternative Therapy magazine and author of a series of 18 books on health.

The book reflects years of research into the dangers of the toxins in our modern living environment and how to avoid them.

Sharyn has also produced 2 CD's, "The Wisdom to Change" and "The Solution for Wellness."

Dr. Wynters may be contacted through her office in Tarzana, California by her website and e-mail [email protected].


Good morning, everybody.

Good morning. Happy Labor Day. And welcome to the third day of the 30th annual cancer convention.

My journey has been an interesting one in my late teens. I was an early 20s. I was an actress. Anybody remember Batman back in those days? I was cat girl on the original Batman TV show, came out to Los Angeles, and two weeks later there I was on a set, didn't know very much about acting, but I certainly learned along the way.

And it was a pretty successful actress and in my. Early 20s, when I was 25, I was diagnosed with cancer. Now, back in those days, I don't know anybody that had cancer. It's not like it is today. And what the medical profession wanted to do to me.

I made a decision to. I'd rather die. And that decision was changed my life. And it led me to this incredible world of body, mind and spirit. And I went on a journey of searching for alternatives. There are no accidents. And one day I ran into a woman who told me that she had terminal cancer. And they gave her six months to live. And they opened and closed her up.

And she found a dentist in Grapevine, Texas, who cured her of cancer. And of course, my eyes rolled up and I said, right, the medical profession doesn't have an answer. But some dentist in Grapevine, Texas, is curing cancer through nutrition. And she looked at me and she said, what do you have to lose? And we went out to lunch and she started to share with me the protocol that William Donald Kelly put her on. And I just sat there astounded because I it was just a totally different world than what I had known. And as I was drinking my coffee and she was shared with me about coffee enemas. I was shocked. I went, You mean there's someplace else that you can enjoy coffee other than my mouth? I didn't believe that that was possible. I'd never heard of coffee enemas before. And at the end of our lunch, I had made a decision to go see Dr. Kelly.

I flew to Texas, Dallas, Texas, on November 22nd, and I remember that day because November 22nd was when Dr. John F. Kennedy was assassinated.


I thought about well, that was his faithful day, maybe. It's going to be mine. I got into a cab and the cab driver asked me where I wanted to go, and I said, great, find Texas.

And he said, nobody goes there, which really made me feel secure. They took me to


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